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Wallace Thornhill

Wallace Thornhill

Wallace Thornhill (born 02/05/1942) is the Chief Science Advisor to The Thunderbolts Project.[1]


Wallace Thornhill earned a degree in physics and electronics at the University of Melbourne, and began postgraduate studies.[2]

Thornhill was invited to attend the first international Velikovskian conference at McMaster University, in 1974, where he met David Talbott and Immanuel Velikovsky.

Thornhill has since written many papers for the U.S. journal, Aeon[10], and the SIS Review of the Society for Interdisciplinary Studies (SIS), in England, and served as a council member of SIS.

The “Electric Universe” was first presented at a World Conference in Portland, Oregon, in January 1997

In 2010, the Telesio-Galilei Academy of Science awarded Thornhill (and 9 others) its 2010 Gold Medal,[3] presented on 12th June 2010.



Episode 2 Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars (Full Documentary)

Episode 2 Symbols of an Alien Sky: The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars (Full Documentary)

Co-authored with David Talbott, Thunderbolts of the Gods[5]

Co-authored with David Talbott, The Electric Universe[4]

Electricity or Gravity?

Which rules the universe?



Thornhill, W.W., “The Electrical Nature of Comets“, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 34th International Conference on Plasma Science, 2007. ICOPS 2007., Publication Date: 17-22 June 2007, On page(s): 1000-1000

Thornhill, W., “The Z-Pinch Morphology of Supernova 1987A and Electric Stars“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Aug. 2007, Volume: 35, Issue: 4, Part 1, Page(s): 832-844

Ransom, C.J.; Thornhill, W., “Plasma-Generated Craters and Spherules“, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume 35, Issue 4, Aug. 2007 Page(s):828 – 831


Feature-length Documentaries

Thunderbolts of the Gods[23]

Symbols of an Alien Sky [24]

Symbols of an Alien Sky Episode 2 : The Lightning Scarred Planet, Mars [25]

Symbols of an Alien Sky Episode 3 : The Electric Comet[39]

TV Show

Electric Universe series on Gaia, Inc., 7 episodes, featuring Wal Thornhill and Ev Cochrane, 2019 [6]

Public Talks

Wal Thornhill: Comets, Meteors & Asteroids | EU2012 [35]

Wallace Thornhill: The Interdisciplinary Story of the Electric Universe | NPA19.

Aug 16, 2013[27]

ASTROTAS Wallace Thornhill Electric Universe Lecture, 2014[28]

Wal Thornhill: An Electric Cosmology for the 21st Century | EU Workshop , November 2014 [33]

Wallace Thornhill: The Long Path to Understanding Gravity | EU2015 [7]

Wallace Thornhill: The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe | EU2016[8]

Wal Thornhill: Future Science | EU2017[9]

Wal Thornhill: Electric Comets & Asteroids | EU Workshop 2017 [30]

Wallace Thornhill - The Electric Universe Paradigm Shift, 2018 [31]

Space News

Wal Thornhill: The Saturn/Earth Connection and Our Place in the Universe | Space News Dec 30, 2018[20]

Wal Thornhill: Ultima Thule – Another Victory for the Electric Universe | Space News Jan 16, 2019[22]

Wal Thornhill: Black Hole or Plasmoid?

| Space News Apr 16, 2019[21]

Wal Thornhill: The Electric Asteroid Bennu | Space News August 27th, 2019[19]

Wal Thornhill: SAFIRE and the Future of Science | Space News September 22nd, 2019[18]

Wal Thornhill: No Islands in Our Electric Universe | Space News Nov 29, 2019 [13]


Red Ice Creations Radio, The Electric Universe, The Purple Dawn of Creation & Our Strange Solar System. Mar 11, 2010 [14] [15]

Thunderbolts Podcast Nov 19, 2012[36]

Wallace Thornhill on The Moore Show. Aug 13, 2016[32]

Leak Project - Electric Universe, Project Thunderbolt. Is Saturn Nibiru? Holoscience, Wal Thornhill. Aug14, 2016[37]

Electric Universe Theories, Importance of Open Mind Science Debate with Wallace Thornhill .

Apr 30, 2017 [29]

Liberty Under Attack Podcast 56.[38] Oct 15, 2017

Wallace Thornhill and the Electric Universe , May 7, 2019 [16]

Lighting The Void Radio - The Electric Universe With Wal Thornhill, Sep 4, 2019 [26]

The Electric View from Bath EU 2019 Aug 14, 2019 with Eugene Bagashov, Wallace Thornhill and Andy Hall[40]

Leak Project - Single Cosmic Event Created Asteroid Belt, Valles Marineris & Grand Canyon, Wal Thornhill, Oct 7, 2019[17]

JV Johnson's Beyond Paranormal -- The Electric Universe - Wallace Thornhill - Oct 10, 2019[34]

See Also

Donald Scott

Ev Cochrane

The Electric View


Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoeu2017 speakers
Dec 13, 2019, 6:30 PM
Citation Linkwww.velikovsky.infovelikovsky.info wal-thornhill
Dec 13, 2019, 6:31 PM
Citation Linkwww.telesio-galilei.comTelesio - Galilei Academy of Science
Dec 13, 2019, 6:34 PM
Citation Linkopenlibrary.orgWallace Thornhill & David Talbott. The Electric Universe, Mikamar Publishing, May 24, 2007.ISBN-10: 0977285138ISBN-13: 9780977285136
Dec 13, 2019, 6:35 PM
Citation Linkopenlibrary.orgDavid Talbott & Wallace Thornhill. Thunderbolts of the Gods + DVD, Mikamar Publishing, November 15, 2005.ISBN-10: 0977285103ISBN-13: 9780977285105
Dec 13, 2019, 6:35 PM
Citation Linkwww.gaia.comgaia.com electric-universe
Dec 13, 2019, 6:41 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWallace Thornhill: The Long Path to Understanding Gravity | EU2015
Dec 13, 2019, 6:45 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWallace Thornhill: The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe | EU2016
Dec 13, 2019, 6:46 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWal Thornhill: Future Science | EU2017
Dec 13, 2019, 6:47 PM
Citation Linkwww.aeonjournal.comaeon journal
Dec 13, 2019, 6:51 PM
Citation Linkwww.electricuniverse.infoelectricuniverse.info/
Dec 13, 2019, 6:55 PM
Citation Linkmikamar.bizElectricity or Gravity?Which rules the universe?
Dec 13, 2019, 6:57 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWal Thornhill: No Islands in Our Electric Universe | Space News Nov 29, 2019
Dec 13, 2019, 6:59 PM
Citation Linkredice.tvThe Electric Universe, The Purple Dawn of Creation & Our Strange Solar System.Mar 11, 2010
Dec 13, 2019, 7:02 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comrir wal thornhill youtube
Dec 13, 2019, 7:03 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comエハン塾 wal thornhill interview
Dec 13, 2019, 7:05 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comSingle Cosmic Event Created Asteroid Belt, Valles Marineris & Grand Canyon, Wal Thornhill, Oct 7, 2019, Leak Project
Dec 13, 2019, 7:09 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWal Thornhill: SAFIRE and the Future of Science, Part One | Space NewsSeptember 22nd, 2019
Dec 14, 2019, 9:51 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWal Thornhill: The Electric Asteroid Bennu | Space News Aug 27, 2019
Dec 14, 2019, 9:53 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comWal Thornhill: The Saturn/Earth Connection and Our Place in the Universe | Space News
Dec 14, 2019, 9:56 AM