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Thunderbolts Project

Thunderbolts Project

Anthony Peratt, a plasma research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, has noted the extraordinary similarity between “squatter man”(see illustration) petroglyphs and his laboratory plasma beam instabilities.

Anthony Peratt, a plasma research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, has noted the extraordinary similarity between “squatter man”(see illustration) petroglyphs and his laboratory plasma beam instabilities.

Thunderbolts Project is a primarily volunteer-run organisation established in 2004 to provide a collaborative voice for the Electric Universe movement.[3] Involving interdisciplinary research, direct observation, and experimental work confirming the pervasive role of the electric force in nature. [81]


Thunderbolts Project website includes Thunderbolts Picture of the Day (TPOD) [1] and Essential Guide to the Electric Universe [2]


Thunderbolts of the Gods by David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill[17]

The Electric Universe by Wallace Thornhill and David Talbott [16]

YouTube Channel

Thunderbolts of the Gods

Thunderbolts of the Gods

Tony Peratt’s explanation of the Kayenta pictograph

Tony Peratt’s explanation of the Kayenta pictograph

As of 2019, the Thunderbolts Project channel has almost 30 million views, since 2008.

Regular features include "Space News from the Electric Universe", "Discourses on an Alien Sky" and "Electricity of Life".

EU (Electric Universe) conferences invite speakers from a wide range of subjects, including Gerald Pollack, Michael Steinbacher, Eileen Day McKusick, Ev Cochrane, Donald Scott, Jerry Tennant, Stephen Crothers, Ben Davidson, Rupert Sheldrake and Piers Corbyn.


Thunderbolts of the Gods[4]

Symbols of an Alien Sky[5]

The Lightning-Scarred Planet Mars[6]

The Electric Comet [7]

Remembering the End of the World [8]

Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric:

  1. Cosmic Magnetic Fields[66]

  2. Filaments in Space[67]

  3. Cosmic Jets[68]

  4. Light Bulbs in Space[69]

  5. Pulsars[70]

  6. Charged Planets (Inner Solar System)[71]

  7. Charged Planets (Outer Solar System)[73]

  8. Electrical Planetary Scarring[72]

  9. Electric Comets[82]


EU2013 The Tipping Point


Rupert Sheldrake, PhD - Science Set Free[42]

Mae-Wan Ho, PhD - Life is Water Electric[22][23][24]

Stephen Crothers - The Non-existence of the Black Hole and the Total Failure of General Relativity[25][26]

Dean Radin, PhD - Men Who Stare at Photons[43] [78]

Gerald Pollack, PhD - New Insights into Electricity and Structured Water [34]

Montgomery Childs - SAFIRE: A Real-World Test of the Electric Sun[45] [46]

Bill Nichols - Electric Earth, Electric Weather[80]

Michael Clarage, PhD - Our Universe–It’s Electric![31]

Bob Johnson - The Electric Sun Revisited[79]

Ron Hatch - Relativity in the Light of GPS[29]

William Mullen, PhD - Visual Intuition and the Ancient Sky[44]

James Sorensen - Halton Arp & the Big Bang [27]

Aloria Weaver and David Heskin - The Meeting of Art and Science[48]

Tom Wilson - Believing is Not Seeing: A Belief Crisis in Modern Cosmology, Astrophysics and Planetary Science[47]

Mel Acheson - What's the Matter with Matter?

[49] "Show Me the Math!" [50]

Dwardu Cardona - Strangers in a Foreign Galaxy

Michael Steinbacher- A Large Plasma-Vortex Discharge to the Colorado Plateau

Paul Anderson, PhD - Electrical Discharge on Earth’s Surface

Franklin Anariba, PhD - Cometary-electrochemistry: Can Electrochemical Processes Occur in Comets?

Craig Holdrege, PhD - Why Context Matters

Evan Camp - Exciting Students with Unsettled Science

Cameron Mercer - Saving the World

Ralph Biggins - Measuring the Cosmos

Jim Ryder, PhD - The Emerging Science of Life

Don Haney, PhD - The Electric Universe: Open Questions

Rens Van der Sluijs - The Visible Polar Column of World Mythology

Greg Volk - An Optimistic Assessment of “Fringe” Science

A.P. David - Troy-Towns, Homer’s Iliad and a Labyrinth

Alireza Moayed, PhD - The Electricity of Life

Chris Reeve - Concept Mapping: A Creative Approach to Science Education

Scott Wall - Predictions of an Electric Universe

Forrest Bishop - Beyond the Tipping Point

Jim Johnson - The Electric Universe: Open Questions



Wallace Thornhill - Threads of Evidence. [30] Reinterpreting the MAVEN Mission to Mars.[59]

Donald Scott, PhD - A New Model of Magnetic Structure in Space[62]

Piers Corbyn - The Reality of Long Range Weather and Climate Forecasting: The Need for an Electromagnetic Approach[36]

PIERRE LATOUR, PhD - Engineering Earth’s Thermostat with CO2?[74]

Bill Mullen, PhD - Hieroglyphics and the Ancient Sky[76]

REV. ROBERT L. STRAITT, PhD, CEM - Climate Change Against the Shadow of Global Warming

GARY SCHWARTZ, PhD - Extraordinary Ideas and Extraordinary Evidence: The Five Finger Test

JAMES SORENSEN - Revisiting Peratt’s Galaxy Simulation


MICHAEL CLARAGE, PhD- Understanding the Electric Sun Model[65]

BEN DAVIDSON, JD - The Variable Sun and Its Effects on Earth

LOWELL MORGAN, PhD - The Physics of Plasmas

DANIEL JENCKA - All About Evidence

Stephen Crothers - The Parallax Effect on Short Hair[58]

JONATHAN WOLFE, PhD - Fractals – Changing Paradigms in Science and Education

BOB WEBER - The Electric Weather Effect

MICHAEL H. BRILL, PhD - Ninety-East Ridge: Shoestring of the Gods?

VERNON ROTH - Laboratory Fabrication of Elements

IGNACIO CISNEROS - A New Perspective on Star Formation

STEPHEN SMITH - Mars: The Great Desert in 3-D[60]

Dwardu Cardona - Earth’s Primordial Stellar Host [51]

Edward Dowdye, PhD - Solar Gravitation and Solar Plasma Wave Propagation Interaction[64]

Michael Steinbacher - Notes Toward an Electric Catastrophist Model for Geology[32]

AP DAVID, PhD - On The Laws Of Nature[77]

Chuck Huber - Dreaming in the Electric Universe - First Steps in the Electric Universe

Mel Acheson - How Science Can Lose Its Way[75]

Gerald Pollack - Funding "Out of the Box" Ideas[63]

David Novak: Chain of Arrows and the Shoulder of Giants[61]

EU2015 Paths of Discovery


Donald Scott


Gerald Pollack, PhD - Beyond Water: What Makes the World Go Round?

Montgomery Childs - SAFIRE Project Update

MICHAEL CLARAGE, PhD - SAFIRE and the Electric Sun Model

LOWELL MORGAN, PhD - The Physics of Plasmas

PAUL ANDERSON, PhD - Statistics To Save Us From Data Overload

JANO ONDERCO - SAFIRE Instrumentation, Data Acquisition and Correlation

KONGPOP U-YEN, PhD - Solar System Formation, Quantum Vibration and Natural Disasters

Michael Shermer PhD - Distinguishing Science from Pseudoscience

Gary Schwartz, PhD - Extraordinary Ideas and Extraordinary Evidence: The Five Finger Test

ANDREW BARTLETT, PhD - The Sociology of Science: Consensus and Controversies

C.J. Ransom, PhD - Close Encounter of the Star Kind and The Conehead Connection

FRANKLIN ANARIBA, PhD - Electrochemistry of Comets: An Update

TOM WILSON, PhD - When the Surprise Is Unsurprising: The Siren Song of Certainty

Eugene Bagashov - Creator’s Second Hand [55]

Bruce Leybourne - Earth as a Stellar Transformer: Climate Change Revealed [56]

ANNIS SCOTT - The Paths to Discovering Our Universe, Past and Present

AP DAVID, PhD - The Metaphysics of Michael Faraday

Ev Cochrane - Planetary Catastrophe, Ancient Myths & Modern Science

Pierre-Marie Robitaille, PhD - Kirchhoff’s Claims

Stephen Crothers - General Relativity: A Case Study in Numerology

REV. ROBERT L. STRAITT, PhD, CEM - Revisiting Our Understanding of Classical Physics and Relativity

Michael Steinbacher - Plasma Catastrophist Geology (Due to Illness, the late Michael Steinbacher could not present at the EU2015 conference. Andreas Otte gave the presentation Michael had intended to give.) [54]

RICHARD MOORE - The Pulsating Universe and Planet Earth

ARTHUR RAMTHUN - Plant Electro-tropism

MICHAEL ARMSTRONG - The ‘Culture Shock’ of Planetary Catastrophe [53]

Dwardu Cardona - Order Out of Chaos[52]


EU2016 Elegant Simplicity


Wallace Thornhill - Keynote Address: The Elegant Simplicity of the Electric Universe

David Talbott - Rituals of Remembering and Forgetting

Donald Scott, PhD - The Electric Solar Wind

Montgomery Childs - SAFIRE Project Update

BEN DAVIDSON, JD - The Path Forward is Clear

SUBHON IBADOV, PhD - Nature of Electric Comets: Electric Discharge Mechanism of Comet Outbursts and Thunderbolts/Lightning in Comet Nuclei Due to Solar Flares

TOM WILSON, PhD - Ptolemy, Belief Systems, and Other Dark Matters

MICHAEL CLARAGE, PhD - SAFIRE as Astrophysical Laboratory

C.J. Ransom, PhD - Exotic Models

KONGPOP U-YEN, PhD - A Natural Disaster Forecasting Technique Based on Space Weather Data

Eugene Bagashov - ‘Elec-centricities’ of Cometary Orbits

ALEXANDER FOURNIER - Electricity of Life

ANDREAS OTTE - An Extended Tool Set for the EU Geologist

Bruce Leybourne - Geometry of Earth’s Endogenous Electrical Energy: Geophysical Evidence

GARY SCHWARTZ, PhD - Is the Universe Organized?

An Elegantly Simple Methodology applied to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field Image

Ev Cochrane - Turquoise Skies: Echoes of Creation

CHRIS REEVE - Part 1: What We Failed to Learn from the Moonshot Part 2: Controversy-First Science Instruction

A.P. David, PhD - Remembering Homer, Literally: The Shield of Achilles


EU2017 Future Science


Wallace Thornhill- Future Science, Velikovsky’s Astrophysics

David Talbott - Mythology as Undiscovered History

Donald Scott - The Next Step — New Evidence of Birkeland Current Activity


Gerald Pollack, PhD - Weather and EZ Water: An Intimate Role of Separated Charge[37]

Montgomery Childs - SAFIRE Project Update

BEN DAVIDSON, JD - Realizations of the Electric Universe

JACQUELINE GREENFIELD, NMD, OMD - The Electric Activity in the Plasma of Living Cells

GARRETT HILL - Laboratory Investigations into Nature

Eileen Day McKusick - Human Bioelectricity and the EU Model

Andrew David Hall - Electric Earth

FRANKLIN ANARIBA, PhD - Electrochemistry of Comets: An Update

Jerry Tennant, MD- Healing is Voltage: The Physics of Emotions[33]

Stephen Crothers - The Logical Inconsistency of the Special Theory of Relativity

William Cocke Mullen, PhD - Velikovsky Day — Why Now?

IRVING WOLFE, PhD - Introduction to Velikovsky’s Ideas

ANDREW FITTS - Mankind in Amnesia

PETER MUNGO JUPP - Instant Fossilization

EDWIN KAAL - The Proton-Electron Atom — A Proposal for a Structured Atomic Model

JOHNNY GODOWSKI - Velikovsky’s Venus Encounter Reconsidered

PETER MODDEL -What Can Matter Be?

A philosophical approach

C.J. Ransom, PhD - Why So Surprising?

Ev Cochrane - Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion

Electric Universe UK presents reconnect 2018

Wallace Thornhill. The Electric Universe Paradigm Shift[40] - Future Science in our Electric Universe

Donald Scott- An Introduction to the Electric Sun - Intergalactic Birkeland Currents[39]

Montgomery Childs - SAFIRE Project Update


LUCY WYATT - What Evidence for the Ancient Uses of Electrical Phenomena?

EDWIN KAAL - The Structured Atom Model and Transmutations

Piers Corbyn - The Earth’s Weather and Solar Activity

PATRICK MacMANNAWAY - Is Nature conscious?

Ian Tresman - The Physical Evidence for the Electric Universe

JEREMY DUNNING DAVIS - The Past and Possible Future in Astrophysics/Cosmology

Rupert Sheldrake - Is The Sun Conscious?[38]

Electric Universe UK Dynamic Earth 2019

Wallace Thornhill - The History of Electric Universe Ideas[83] - Earth's Dynamic History[41]

Montgomery Childs and Michael Clarage - SAFIRE PROJECT 2019 UPDATE[21]

Andrew David Hall - Capacitance in Earth’s Circuit

Dr Tim Hooker - The Spatial Origins of Particles, Electric Charge, Mass and Gravity

Edwin Kaal - A 21st c. Interpretation of Geology using the Structured Atom Model[35]

Eugene Bagashov - Plasma Geometry

Prof. Andre Assis - Weber's Electrodynamics - Relational Mechanics

James Sorensen - Elemental Transmutations in Nature

Dr Jeremy Dunning Davis - Science in a Post-Hawking Era – some thoughts

Thunderbolts Project offers the following disclaimer "The list of speaker topics above does not imply endorsement by The Thunderbolts ProjectTM or T-Bolts Group Inc. Progress in science comes first and foremost from critical minds.

It is therefore reasonable to give periodic attention to ideas beyond our published themes, even if we are not ready to endorse them."

Experimental support

"SAFIRE PROJECT reactor generates energy densities analogous to the Sun's in a laboratory on Earth"[9]

Based on recent evidence from the SAFIRE lab, Montgomery Childs and Dr. Michael Clarage are able to draw remarkable new connections between Plasma (physics), Astrophysics and Heliophysics.[21]

See Also

Electric Universe Eyes

Greg Jay (YouTube channel)

The Electric View


Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoPicture of the Day (TPOD)
Nov 16, 2019, 6:31 AM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.info
Nov 16, 2019, 6:32 AM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoThunderbolts Project
Nov 16, 2019, 6:32 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comThunderbolts of the Gods
Dec 25, 2019, 1:27 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comAlien Sky
Nov 16, 2019, 6:37 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.commars
Nov 16, 2019, 6:38 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comelectric comet
Nov 16, 2019, 6:38 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comend of the world
Nov 16, 2019, 6:39 AM
Citation Linkwww.safireproject.comSafire project
Nov 16, 2019, 7:00 AM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoEU2016 speakers
Dec 6, 2019, 6:29 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comintense electrical activity above observers on earth was the subject of massive collective endeavors to record the forms on stone.Especially compelling is the rock art theme called the “stickman.”
Dec 7, 2019, 2:46 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAnthony Peratt, a plasma research physicist at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, has noted the extraordinary similarity between “squatter man”(see illustration) petroglyphs and his laboratory plasma beam instabilities.He maintains that early man recorded in rock massive plasma discharges in the heavens.
Dec 7, 2019, 2:47 PM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoanthony-peratt-3-stickman-on-stone/
Dec 7, 2019, 2:48 PM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infoplasma-scientist-anthony-peratt-meets-the-electric-universe
Dec 7, 2019, 2:49 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comTony Peratt’s explanation of the Kayenta pictograph
Dec 7, 2019, 2:49 PM
Citation Linkopenlibrary.orgWallace Thornhill & David Talbott. The Electric Universe, Mikamar Publishing, May 24, 2007.ISBN-10: 0977285138ISBN-13: 9780977285136
Dec 13, 2019, 3:35 AM
Citation Linkopenlibrary.orgDavid Talbott & Wallace Thornhill. Thunderbolts of the Gods + DVD, Mikamar Publishing, November 15, 2005.ISBN-10: 0977285103ISBN-13: 9780977285105
Dec 13, 2019, 3:36 AM
Citation Linkvimeo.comelectric uniiverse uk 2018
Dec 13, 2019, 3:43 AM
Citation Linkwww.thunderbolts.infothunderbolts events
Dec 13, 2019, 3:52 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comSpecial Feature: NEW VIEWS OF THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM -- Michael Clarage
Dec 13, 2019, 4:06 AM