Trigglypuff (Cora Segal)
Trigglypuff (Cora Segal)
Cora Segal, better known as Trigglyuff, is a feminist, radical activist, and social justice warrior. She came to prominence after her outburst at The Triggering. [undefined]
Cora grew up in Cambridge, Massachusetts to Jewish parents. She is a student at Hampshire College where she studies critical theory and anti-capitalist social movements. She enjoys going on rad adventures with friends. [1]
Social Justice Activism
Cora was first discovered social justice through youth-led community-based groups in the Boston area, such as the City School and Sub/Urban Justice.
From here, she developed feminist, fat liberation, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist perspectives, which she believes all play an integral role in working towards collective liberation.
[undefined] In 2015, Cora had an immigrations rights internship in Bloomington, Indiana.
The Triggering (Trigglypuff Incident)
On April 25, 2016, Cora Segal attended an event hosted by the College Republicans Club of the University of Massachusetts Amherst entitled, "The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?" She was sitting in an aisle seat. [undefined]
Cora Segal was nicknamed Trigglypuff after her constant interruption of a panel which consisted of Milo Yiannopolos, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Steven Crowder. Someone else in the audience recorded her repeatedly shouting "Fuck you," to Christina Hoff Sommers after she was told to calm down for yelling at the panelists. [undefined]
She became notorious for chanting, "Keep your hate speech off this campus!" in a shrieky voice.
[undefined] Prior to her chants, Trigglypuff added that her interrupting the panel was part of her right to free speech. [undefined]
Seconds later, Trigglypuff told Christina Hoff Sommers, "You're not welcome here!" After being told to lower their voices and to calm down, she exclaimed, "Stop talking to us like children!"; Hoff Sommers responded by saying, "Stop acting like a child and I will."
She eventually left her seat and sat in the balcony section of the room.