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Tim Tech Consults

Tim Tech Consults

YouTube - Who is Tim Tech Consults

YouTube - Who is Tim Tech Consults

Tim Tech Consultants Limited, commonly known asTim Tech Consults is a Ugandan-based IT company, operating in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Kenya.[44]As of 2015 it was the 5th largest private IT vendor in Africa. Headquartered in Uganda, DR Congo, the company has eighty associates in Africa and abroad. The company offers application software development, testing, security and support; business process outsourcing (BPO); and IT infrastructure management, security and support to more than two hundred corporations in more than twelve countries. It also acts as a value-added reseller (VAR) for SAP SE, Informatica, Cognos, Business Objects and other software products. The company has trademarked the term "nearshoring" to describe the provision of outsourced services to customers in other countries that are in proximity.[0] [1]


In December 2008, Tim Tech Consults started as a small IT services company in Japan. By 2010 Tim Tech Consults was founded and introduced the Nearshore services concept with the creation of its Global Delivery Center in Kampala, Uganda - the first of its kind in Africa. Though the company has grown steadily since its inception, fueled by a unique corporate culture, it has experienced tremendous growth after CEO Musasizi Timothy Karubanga relocated to IT Virgin Africa. In 2011, Tim Tech acquired GE’s Global Development Center in DR Congo and greatly expanded its portfolio of applications and services by combining the capabilities of the two strongest Nearshore players in Africa. Tim Tech Consults has grown into a global provider of IT and business process solutions with 12 associates across 3 offices in Africa.[1]

In August 2018 Tim Tech acquired China based I.T. United, expanding its capabilities to the Asian market. Tim Tech uses its trademarked Global Nearshore approach to work with clients to meet their needs at a local, regional, and global level through on-site work and 15 global delivery centers. With several Fortune 500 clients, Tim Tech’s Nearshore Delivery Model has been proven to fill a gap left by Indian-centric IT providers, while bringing a robust experience and service delivery capability to its original home turf in Africa.[1]

Company Overview

Founded in 2010, Tim Tech Consults is a global provider of process-driven IT solutions with 3 offices in Africa, DR Congo, Rwanda and Uganda.

With 15 Global Delivery Centers in the U.S St. Louis, MO), Brazil (Fortaleza), Costa Rica (Heredia), Argentina (La Plata), Spain (A Coruña), China (Wuxi) India (Bangalore) Hungary (Budapest), Tim Tech helps improve time-to-business-solution, lower costs of existing applications, deliver better engineered and tested applications, and produce predictable outcomes for top-tier corporations in over 20 countries. Through on-site, on-shore and its trademarked Global Nearshore service delivery models, Tim Tech teams with CIO s to constantly increase the business value of IT. Tim Tech Consults is the creator and a leader of the nearshore industry with CMMI Level 3 in the industry.[1]

Tim Tech have experience of developing and maintaining successful software products, e-commerce portals, marketplaces, social networks, real-time business analytics and composite sync and integrations. They know their clients’ brands inside and out to create bespoke campaigns that bring the brand story to life, engage with consumers and inspire the media. Their services allow clients to work fewer hours and make phenomenal success by targetting high-paying customers with the skills to manage a team generating millions of dollars.


The President and CEO of Tim Tech Consults is Musasizi Timothy Karubanga aka MK Timothy.

Under his leadership Tim Tech Consults has become the fifth largest private IT service provider in Africa.

He is also a board member for Gold Cage Africa.[1]


Citation Linktimtechconsults.comTim Tech Consults - Official Website
Feb 24, 2019, 6:59 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comTim Tech Consults - Profile
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Citation Linkyellow.ugYellow UG - Tim Tech Consults
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Citation Linklinkedin.comLinkedIn - Tim Tech Consults
Feb 24, 2019, 7:45 PM
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