Maryam Hasnaa
Maryam Hasnaa
Maryam Hasnaa is a mystery school teacher and energy healer based in Oakland, California.

Maryam Hasnaa meditating
Maryam Hasnaa was raised by two parents who are spiritual teachers. [1] Like her parents, Hasnaa is the mystic in the Sufi School. As a Priestess, Hasnaa leads ceremonies and sacred practices.
Hasnaa is experienced in working with plant medicine, metaphysics, universal & Spiritual law, the Akashic records, embodied ceremony, ritual, meditation, sound healing and a keeper of sacred medicine. [1] She incorporates ancient wisdom as well as cutting edge information to intuitively teach in a way that will awaken wholeness and create deep transformational healing. [1]
Hasnaa has stated that she does not heal people, but rather guides people to find the awareness to heal themselves.