Amy Cooper
Amy Cooper
Amy Cooper is a native of Canada. She used to be the Head of Investment at Franklin Templeton Investments.
In May 2020, she went viral on Twitter and Facebook in a video where she called the cops on Christian Cooper, an African-American man who was bird-watching, after he asked her to put her dog on a leash, alleging to the 911 operator that "an African American man is threatening her life and her dog."[1]
She a native of Canada, according to her Instagram profile. She studied at the University of Waterloo in Ontario from 1998 to 2003, graduating with a degree in actuarial science.
She also completed her master’s degree in Business Administration in Analytical Finance at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business in 2009. [14]
Amy Cooper served as the Head of Investment at Franklin Templeton Investments where she leads the insurance portfolio management and strategy business. She delivered and executed investment solutions for insurance and pension companies globally. She has extensive experience working with life, P&C, health and re-insurance companies in the US.
Amy Cooper's Encounter with Christian Cooper

Social media is outraged by a video showing a white woman in New York City's Central Park calling the police on Christian Cooper, a black man, after he asked her to put her dog on a leash seeing as dogs are required to be on a leash.
On May 25, 2020, Christian Cooper, who described himself as an avid bird-watcher, was out birding between 7:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. in the Ramble, a section of Central Park full of winding paths and thick greenery that attracts over 230 bird species, which is when he said he saw a dog off its leash.
"That's important to us birders because we know that dogs won't be off leash at all and we can go there to see the ground-dwelling birds," Christian said.
"People spend a lot of money and time planting in those areas as well.
Nothing grows in a dog run for a reason."
Oh, when Karens take a walk with their dogs off leash in the famous Bramble in NY’s Central Park, where it is clearly posted on signs that dogs MUST be leashed at all times, and someone like my brother (an avid birder) politely asks her to put her dog on the leash.[21]
Melody told Insider that her brother has been working along with other birders in Central Park to get dog walkers to keep their dogs on the leash in the Ramble.[22]
Central Park states that dogs must always be on a leash in the Ramble, a protected nature reserve between 73rd and 78th Streets.
Other areas of Central Park allow dogs to be off leash between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.
The video of the incident went viral over the Memorial Day weekend. Christian asked Amy, who was exercising, to place her dog on a leash and a verbal confrontation ensued.
She refused and he began to film the encounter.
Amy then approached him saying: "Please stop, sir I'm asking you to stop recording."
When Christian asks her to back away from him, she threatens to call the cops.
"I'm going to tell them there's an African American man threatening my life," she says.
Amy contacted 911 and was heard saying:
"I'm in the Ramble and an African American man with a bicycle helmet, he is recording me and threatening my dog. I am in Central Park, there is an African American man. He is recording me and threatening my dog.'" After a long pause, she becomes hysterical "I'm sorry I can't hear," she cries."I'm being threatened by a man in the Ramble, please send the cops immediately. I'm in Central Park in the Ramble, I don't know."
"I videotaped it because I thought it was important to document things," Christian said.
"Unfortunately we live in an era with things like Ahmaud Arbery, where black men are seen as targets. This woman thought she could exploit that to her advantage, and I wasn't having it."
Amy has since apologized for the incident, claiming her "entire life has been destroyed."
"I'm not a racist.
I did not mean to harm that man in any way," Amy Cooper told CNN, adding that she wanted to "publicly apologize to everyone."
She added "When I think about the police, I’m such a blessed person.
I’ve come to realize especially today that I think of [the police] as a protection agency, and unfortunately, this has caused me to realize that there are so many people in this country that don’t have that luxury.”
On social media, Amy is being referred to as “Karen,” the social media term for white women who call the cops on black people over harmless incidents.
Central Park ban
Michael Fischer, president of the Central Park Civic Association, called Amy Cooper’s actions in the widely shared video “a disgusting display of intolerance” that should “never, ever be accepted in the City’s public domain like Central Park.”
“The Central Park Civic Association condemns this behavior and is calling on Mayor Bill de Blasio to impose a lifetime ban on this lady for her deliberate, racial misleading of law enforcement and violating behavioral guidelines set so that all can enjoy our city’s most famous park,” Fischer said. Fischer told the New York Post his association has received “quite a few comments” from local residents who were “very offended by what this woman did in the park.”
Though the New York City Police Department will not be pursuing charges against Cooper, Fischer said de Blasio’s office should step in.
The National Audubon Society also condemned Amy's behavior. The group's New York City chapter counts Christian Cooper among its board members.
Henry the Dog
Amy Cooper’s dog is a Cocker Spaniel named Henry. Cooper also received criticism for the way she handled Henry in the video, by grabbing him by his collar giving the appearance of choing him.
According to a Facebook post by Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue, Inc., Amy Cooper adopted Henry in March 2018 after her previous @cocker spaniel, Ollie, died. The New York-based dog rescued called Cooper a “dedicated foster,” and wrote,
Of course she has been heartbroken.
We congratulate Amy on her adoption of Henry and wish them a lifetime of happiness together.
May his puppy love help to mend her broken heart.”
Several days after the incident occurred, the rescue removed a post about Amy having saved Henry.
The post read
“An Important Share from a previous adopter that can save your dog’s life.
Henry’s (former AACSR rescue) mom Amy, was on their walk when Henry grabbed something on the street and nearly choked.
Amy was lucky enough to know CPR and be able to save him.
He is 100% perfect.
Both oxygen and neurology checked.
All pet owners need to learn canine CPR and first aid.
It is only 20-30 seconds from a Cocker Spaniel choking to death.”
The Abandoned Angels Cocker Spaniel Rescue has since announced that the woman has "voluntarily surrendered" her dog, confirming that "he is safe and in good health."[23]
Social Media
Amy Cooper has deleted all her social media account after the video of her encounter with Christian Cooper went viral.