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Adam Ammerman

Adam Ammerman

Adam Ammerman is the uncle of one-year old, Shaylyn Ammerman. He was present the night when he, his brother Justin Ammerman, and Kyle Parker, were sitting around the living room moments before the death of Justin's daughter. “Yes, we’re just hanging out having a good ol' time, laughing, talking about random stuff. Justin was never in the room,”

It has been reported that Kyle Parker is a friend of Adam, but perhaps they are more distant then it appears. One thing, Adam somehow knows that Kyle preferred to watch pornographic videos of people getting spanked. And, Adam has also admitted that his mother once walked in while Kyle was holding the baby on his lap.

Adam Ammerman said he and Parker went to the liquor store to buy alcohol on Tuesday. Around 3 or 4 a.m. Wednesday, he said he heard the sound of the front door shutting. He realized Parker was gone; he looked outside the window to see Parker “walking away from the house” and “carrying something.” He yelled goodbye to Parker, but Parker didn’t turn around.

Adam Ammerman said he “thought he saw a foot dangling from Kyle (Parker’s) side but was not certain so he went back to bed.”

He Says:

"Kyle was in my room sitting in the chair, drinking and talking to people on his phone, I guess, cause I heard the tick, tick, tick texting.

And, at roughly, 3, 4 o’clock in the morning, I heard the front door open and I look out my window and Kyle’s walking down the yard to his car.

I open my window, I yell out to him, ‘Kyle, where are you going?’ He never answered me back.

He just got in his car and took off."


Citation Linkheavy.comHeavy.com's coverage of the Shaylyn Ammermancase.
Mar 28, 2016, 11:44 PM
Citation Linktheindychannel.comCoverage of the Shaylyn Ammermancase with an interview with the her uncle, Adam Ammerman.
Mar 28, 2016, 11:46 PM
Citation Linkfox59.comA report that suggests that Kyle Parkeris a friend of Adam Ammerman.
Mar 28, 2016, 11:54 PM