Tanya McDowell
Tanya McDowell
Tanya McDowell is a woman from Connecticut.
She enrolled her son in a different school district from the one he was assigned.
The case drew media attention.
In 2011, Tanya was homeless and wanted her son to get the best education possible.
She used her babysitter's address in Norwalk in order for her son to be enrolled in a betterschool district.
Legally, she was only allowed to send her son to a school in Bridgeport because that was her last permanent address.
Social Media Prominence
In the wake of the light sentences of Brock Turner and David Becker, a picture of Tanya has been circulating around social media with people comparing Tanya's sentence to theirs. Snopes.com declares the picture to be misleading because it does not mention Tanya's drug charges. [2]