Steven Gern
Steven Gern
Steven Gern is a U.S. Marine Corps Veteran who works for Olive Group, a private security company where he acts as a Security contractor.
Steven Gern was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee.
Gern as a young man.
As a young man, he joined the Marines around 1994 and quickly became Drill sergeant. He would go one to serve such positions such as Recapture Tactics Team Member, Squad leader, and later on Platoon sergeant and later on a Staff sergeant.
Viral Video on Trump's Travel ban
On February 1st, 2017, around 11 p.m. at night, Steven Gern posted a video about his point of view about United States President Donald Trump's travel ban. When he woke up the next morning, the video had about a 1 million views an kinda laughed off as he got his weapons together headed out for an assignment. When he returned he saw the video had reached about 5 million views. Steven Gern expected a call from higher officials and indeed he immediately received one. They determined that his presence in Iraq was not safe and flew him back to the United States.
I work currently in Iraq, which is one of the countries that’s on the list.
Obviously, in the United States, a lot is going on — and over here, this is a lot going on, as well, just a lot of things y’all don’t see.
The other morning, we were having a discussion on the executive order, and a lot of the Iraqis showed their displeasure in this executive order, and why they feel like they’ve been betrayed by the United States … So, I listened to what they had to say, and after they were done yelling and screaming about their opinion on things, I asked a simple question, and I got an answer to that simple question, and I got it without hesitation.
My simple questions was, ‘As an American, if I went out in town right now, would I be welcome?’ They answered me, and said, ‘Absolutely not, you would not be welcome.’ And I said, ‘Okay, what would happen if I went in town?’” They said the locals would snatch me up and kill me within an hour.
I would be tortured first, and after they were done torturing me, I would probably be beheaded.
It would go on video for everybody to see as an example.
The point I’m trying to make is — this is the local populace that would do this.
This isn’t ISIS.
This isn’t al-Qaeda.
So, my question to them was pretty simple after that.
If you would do this to me, in your country, why would I let you in my country?
All this means to me is that if you had the opportunity to take the life of an American, you would do it.