Sam Pirozzolo
Sam Pirozzolo
Sam Pirozzolo is the vice-president of New York City Parents Union, an organization dedicated to helping every student in the New York City public school system obtain access to a quality education. [undefined] He is also a member of the Community Education Council 31 (CEC 31) and served as Recording Secretary and later President. [666666]
In 2012, Pirozzolo ran for district 63 of New York Assembly.
He ran as a Republican on September 13, 2012 and was defeated by incumbent Michael Cusick in the general election, which took place on November 6, 2012. [666666]
Donald Trump Sign
On August 7, 2018, at 1:00 AM, Pirozzolo's Trump support sign on his lawn was was set on fire; it had a 12 feet tall and 8 feet wide "T' letter.
[undefined] The FDNY has said there will be investigation as to how the perpetrators set the sign on fire.
I was horrified that this would happen on my lawn in 2016 by someone trying to stop my First Amendment right to free speech... these people are not going to deter me. [undefined]
Sam has decided to commission another "T" letter, and this time it will be much taller and wider.