Rusty Parker
Rusty Parker
Personal Life & Activities

Rusty Parker with certain members of his family.
Rusty was born and raised in the state of Alabama where he would live for most of his life with his family and friends. [7] [3]His father was man named Anthony Parker who according to his older sister had always been an abusive father. He had two older sisters, and one of the, Heather Parker, also died along with Parker. His other sister, Tasha, survives. [1]
Parker enjoyed playing the game of Basketball and was a huge fan of the Golden State Warriors and the Houston Rockets. [0]
Rusty commuted between his mother's home in Georgia and the homes of his sisters, so he could attend school in Alabama.
He did not live with his father.
On Thursday, January 18th, 2018, as Rusty, his sister Heather and her fiancee, Brandon Roberts, took a trip over to Chinch Creek Road to deliver groceries and dog food to their father, a deadly shooting ensued. The father/patriarch, Anthony Parker, shot his son and daughter along with Brandon, to death in his front and back yard. [1] [3]
Deputies went to the home after receiving a phone call from Parker, saying he had killed people and was going to kill himself.
Parker had also called a relative who told them about what he had done - that relative would then also call the police.
After tracing the origin of the 911 call, Parker's location was traced to a nearby store.