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Roy Gori

Roy Gori

Roy Gori is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Manulife, Canada’s largest insurance company, and one of the largest insurance and asset management companies in the world. [2] [1] [3]


He holds a Bachelor of Economics and Finance from The University of New South Wales, and an MBA from the University of Technology Sydney. [2]


Roy Gori started his career at Citibank in 1989, where he held progressively senior roles and was responsible for the company’s Asia-Pacific retail business, which included its insurance and wealth management business. [2]


In 2015, Gori joined Manulife as President and Chief Executive Officer for Asia.

In that role, he was responsible for operations in 12 markets across Asia, driving Manulife’s rapidly growing business in the region.


He is the Chair of Manulife’s D&I Council.

He is also a passionate advocate for health and wellness, promoting the benefits of behavioural insurance through award-winning products like Manulife Vitality and Manulife MOVE.


Rap video

Manulife posted a rap video on December 12, 2019 featuring top executives including Gori rapping rhymes in hoodies and dark sunglasses like a wannabe Dr. Dre or Ice Cube. The video was posted on the main site to congratulate employees on their performance in 2019. [1]

The video was later retracted after some employees stated they were offended by it.

Manulife stated: [1]

“We regret creating this video, removed it immediately and held a forum to apologize to and hear directly from our employees,”

“We strive to have an environment where all employees are treated with respect and dignity, and the recent video clearly didn’t meet that objective.”

Personal Life

Gori is a native Australian, he has worked and lived in Sydney, Singapore, Thailand, and Hong Kong, and is now based in Toronto.[3]


Citation Linkwww.bloomberg.comManulife CEO Gori Apologizes for Executives’ Spoof Rap Video
Jan 7, 2020, 8:44 PM
Citation Linkwww.manulife.comBackground of Roy Gori
Jan 7, 2020, 9:50 PM
Citation Linkwww.linkedin.comRoy Gori on Linkedin
Jan 7, 2020, 9:51 PM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comManulife President & CEO Roy Gori on CNBC
Jan 7, 2020, 10:24 PM
Citation Linkwww.instagram.comRoy Gori on Instagram
Jan 7, 2020, 10:25 PM