Rick Rigsby
Rick Rigsby
Enrique D. "Rick" Rigsby [31] is a minister, motivational speaker, author, and former college professor.
He gained recognition after he gave an motivational commencement speech at the California State University Maritime Academy in 2017. [1]
Early Life & Education
He gained inspiration from his father, a man who left school in the third grade to work on his family's farm.
[13] Rigsby's father would frequently ask him, "How ya livin'?" alluding to living life to the fullest.
Rick Rigsby references how his father would want him to live growing up: [1]
To not judge
To show up early
To be kind
To make sure that you do good
To do something the right way
To make an impact
Rigsby graduated from CSU-Chico in 1978 with a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications. He earned his Master's soon thereafter with a degree in Public Communications. He later received his Ph.D. from the University of Oregon.
In 2000, he was recognized by CSU-Chico as an alumnus honoree.
Prior to graduate school, Rigsby spent nearly a decade as a reporter and anchor at KHSL-TV, the CBS affiliate in Chico.
Following his graduate studies, Rigsby spent two years as an assistant professor of at CSU Fresno.
Subsequently, in 1992, Rigsby joined Texas A&M as an Assistant Professor where he taught Speech Communication. There, he earned the Outstanding Teaching Award from the university's College of Liberal Arts. [29]
Rick Rigsby Communications
After 14 years at Texas A&M, Professor Rigsby moved his family to Dallas in order to grow his business.
Expanding on his motivational speaking work, Rick Rigsby began offering corporate coaching and motivational speaking services on his own.
He started speaking for numerous sports organizations, including the PGA, and for teams in the National Football League. [11] He's also spoke at several Christian colleges and public schools.
Viral Video (Graduation Speech)

Rick Rigsby gives a graduation speech at the Cal Maritime Commencement Ceremony (April 22, 2017)
On April 22, 2017, Rick Rigsby gave a speech at the California State Maritime Accademy commencement ceremony. [13]
After that speech went viral, he received more emails, phone calls, and responses from people than any other time in 30 years.
Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout (Book)

In August 6, 2006, Rick Rigsby published a book entitled Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout. Referring to his father in the title, the book discusses six different lessons modeled by someone who would be deemed an uneducated man. [14]
Personal Life
Rigsby currently lives in Dallas, Texas. In his viral "Make an Impact" commencement speech, he admitted to adapting to the Texas lifestyle: he now listens to country music, hunts, and fishes. He even calls himself a "Blackneck Redneck." [1]
Rigsby recognized her in his viral commencement speech:
Brick House.
** [...] The Blind Side hadn’t come out yet. They liked quarterbacks and running backs. [...] I decide in the middle of dancing with her (at a school dance) that I would ask her for her phone number; Trina was the only woman in college who gave me her real phone number.
When Trina died six years after being diagnosed with breast cancer, he was depressed for two years.
His father stood by him at the casket and told him, "Son, just stand."
He was referencing that, no matter how difficult times may be, one must never give up in life.
In retrospect, he has realized that his heart needed to be broken in order to help the broken-hearted.