Police officer Jonathan Aledda
Police officer Jonathan Aledda
Jonathan Aledda is a police officer for the North Miami Police Department.
Aledda is a member of the SWAT team and four year veteran of the department.
On July 22, 2016 Aledda was placed on administrative leave due to conflicting statements given to the investigators looking into the shooting of Charles Kinsey.
The shooting occurred on July 20, 2016, when Charles Kinsey was trying to retrieve a 23-year-old autistic man who ran away from the group home in North Miami.
Neighbors in the area called the police concerned that the autistic man was holding a gun, but it ended up being a toy truck.
When police arrived at the scene, Charles raised his hands in the air with his body laying on the ground.
[2] He attempted to communicate to police that he was no threat and a professional trying to help his patient.
Officer Aledda shot at him anyway.