Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel
Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel is 31 year old resident of Nice, France who had dual French-Tunisian nationality. Franco had a police record for common law crimes, but was not on any terrorism watchlists.
Mohamed was not religious and would often wear shorts, drink alcohol, eat pork, and do drugs.
He was in the middle of getting a divorce, and had 3 children.
Neighbors describe him as a solitary figure.
Mohamed was bisexual and had a 73 year old male lover.
Terrorist Attack
On July 14th, 2016, Bouhlel killed 84 and injured over 150 people in the Bastille Day Attack 2016 in Nice, France. Bouhlel drove nearly 2km zig-zagging through the streets of Nice, attempting to run over as many people as possible. While driving, Bouhlel exchanged gunfire with the police, which led to his death.
Bouhlel had accomplices for the attack.
5 people have been arrested.
He had taken an amphetamine pill before the attack.