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Michelle Lio

Michelle Lio

Michelle Lio (born on ??/??/1970 in Treviso) is a Italian pornographic actress.


Movies and Videos [0]

  • Pierino e la Maestra [PigItalia] (2010)

  • Con un Marito Infermo [PigItalia] (2012)

  • Elettricista [PigItalia] (2010)

  • Incesti Italiani 20: Segreti di Famiglia [Showtime] (2010)

  • Alzati la Gonna [PigItalia] (2011)

  • Mamme Italiane: Regina della Casa (e del Cazzo) [Showtime] (2011)


Citation Linkiafd.comProfile on IAFD.
Apr 25, 2016, 1:40 PM
Citation Linkfacebook.comFacebook.
Apr 25, 2016, 1:40 PM