Marshall Polston
Marshall Polston
Marshall Polston, 20 in 2017, is a student at Rollins College in Florida and an a.m. radio show host. [3]He hosts the Marshall Polston show on WORL 660 AM on Saturdays from 2 - 3 p.m.
In March 2017, Polston was sumnarily suspended and ordered to have no contact with his Islamic Studies professor, Areej Zufari, and a student named Sarah Ismail. According to Polston, Zufari told her class that the crucifiction of Jesus Christ was a hoax and that his disciples did not believe he was God. Polston questioned her on those statements. He said the profesor then repored him to the Dean saying he made her feel unsafe and he subsequently received an F on a class essay. In another incident, he said a Muslim student in the class said appropriate punishments under Sharia law for thieves and Gays was the chopping off of body parts, which Zufari laughed off and were reported to the FBI by another student. [5]
According to Polston, Zufari also made a police report that he had subsequent contact with her and attended her class after the suspension and no contact order.
Polston said he was traveling and submitted evidence that he was not even in the area at the time, alleging that Zufari's report contains false statements.
Polston secured a lawyer and after a hearing by the college and the evidence submitted by Polston, he was cleared of the accusations made against him and reinstated at the school.
He was advised to comport himself in a more respectful manner.
The school has not issued an apology or as yet made restitution for the false accusations, summary suspension, and the harm they caused to Polston and his family.