Ling Anderson
Ling Anderson
Tweet from Ling Anderson
Ling makes YouTube videos that center around White supremacy. He considers Asian males beta and wonders how they can be straight. He strongly looks down upon interracial marriage and says that he would rather live in a white ethnostate than a diverse hellhole. In one video, he proud Asian woman and a feminist and that anyone who misgenders him is sexist. It isn't entirely clear if he is being a massive troll or he genuinely has these feelings. [6]
"never back down when being accused of being a racist" Viral Video
Roman salute
His recent video called "never back down when being accused of being a racist," where he shows his version of Mein Kampf and performs the Roman salute to a Nazi video recording. [7]The video is currently going viral and was bumped by Styxhexenhammer666 when he sarcastically commented: "When the red pills kick in harder than usual." [7]