Larry Nassar
Larry Nassar
Professional photo of Larry Nassar
Larry Gerard Nassar (born, 1963) is an American convicted felon and child sexual abuser who was the USA Gymnastics national team doctor and an Osteopathic physician at Michigan State University. He was accused of sexual abuse by up to 250 girls including a number of renowned Olympic gymnasts.
On January 24, 2018, Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for sexual assault of minors. This is in addition to the 60-year term Nassar was sentenced to in December 2017 on child pornography charges.
He attended and graduated from Michigan State University in 1993 with his medical degree and completed practice residency at St. Lawrence Hospital in 1996 followed by a primary care sports medicine fellowship at Michigan State University in 1997.
Larry was an athletic trainer throughout medical school. During the late 1980s in the U.S., he was very much involved with the initial training camp movement in Region 5. Under his guidance and educational influence, Region 5 prospered in the area of preventative and rehabilitative procedures as related to assisting our athletes reach their ultimate goals.
Since 1986, he was an active member of the USA Gymnastics National Team medical staff and then later the National Team Physician. He was also appointed to the Board of Directors as the National Medical Coordinator in 1996.
He was a part of 4 Olympic Games in which his role in the medical staff was a vital force.
The games were: Atlanta, Sydney, Beijing, and London. During this time, he became an essential figure in revolutionizing how professional athletes train and require medical assistance by combining the two at the upper levels of Gymnastics.
He later became the Team physician at Michigan State University for the Women's Gymnastics and Women's Crew Teams. While there, he worked as the associate professor in the Department of Radiology, Division of Sports Medicine. He also taught sports medicine and physical exam skills to the first and second year medical students in the College of Osteopathic Medicine at M.S.U.
Awards and Grants
Larry Nassar with some of his friends.
“USA Gymnastics Shirley Marshack Memorial Award for the Development of the Talent Opportunity Program” - 2003
"United States Women’s Gymnastics Elite Coaches Association National Contributor of the Year" ‘92 - ‘93, ‘93 - ‘94, ‘95 - ‘96, ‘96 - ’97, ’98 – ’99 and ’01-‘02 Gymnastics Seasons
“USA Gymnastics Service Award” Presented by the USAG Athlete Advisory Council August, 1997
"Region 5 Contributor of the Year" ‘90 - ‘91, ‘91 - ‘92, ‘92 - ‘93, and ‘96 - ‘97 Gymnastics Seasons
“Michigan Gymnastics Contributor of the Year” ‘92 - ‘93, ‘93 - ‘94, ‘95- ’96, and 2009-2010 Gymnastics Seasons
“Jack Rockwell Award” Awarded in recognition for sports medicine contributions in the sport of gymnastics August, 1994
"Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine Alumni Association Award" Presented at my medical school graduation awards banquet for displaying osteopathic principles May, 1993.
United States Olympic Committee Sport Science Grant "Roentgenographic Changes in Female Gymnasts' Wrists" Radiographic examination and interpretation of 139 adolescent female gymnasts.
May - December, 1990.
Sexual Misconduct & Child Pornography

Rachael Denhollander talks about her alleged abuse by former MSU Dr. Larry Nassar.
Nassar is currently in federal custody on three charges related to child pornography.
He also faces three counts of criminal sexual conduct involving a family friend who alleges she was sexually assaulted between 1998 and 2004 when she was under 13 years old.
On February 27, 2017, the aforementioned case was taken over to Ingham County Circuit Court for trial. More than 50 women, most of them patients, have filed criminal complaints against Nassar, and more than 30 have filed civil lawsuits.

Olympic gold medalist and gymnast Aly Raisman on 60 Minutes saying that she was abused by Larry Nassar
The women who have accused Nassar were patients he inspected when they were in their early teens and early 20s.
Often, the patients would visit Dr. Nassar for a consultation regarding their sports injury to their lower hip or lower back.
According to the accusers, his treatment involved vaginal penetration with his fingers for 20 to 40 minutes at a time.
According to testimony by the women, he performed the procedures and never explained to them how they work, without getting their consent.
The complaints about Nassar date back to the late 1990s when at least four patients questioned if his intravaginal procedures were medically appropriate, and there have been additional complaints since.
Each time, the women said in lawsuits, they were told they were getting medically recognized treatments.
It wasn't until two former patients went public in a September 12, 2016 Indianapolis Star story that Nassar was fired from MSU and faced criminal charges.
On November 10, 2017, Olympic gold medalist and gymnast Aly Raisman appeared on 60 Minutes claiming that he sexually abused her. According to the interview, she spoke to FBI investigators after serving as national team captain at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro.
In February 2018, the New York Times reported that they identified at least 40 girls and women who say that Dr. Nassar molested them between July 2015 (the month he first fell under F.B.I. scrutiny) and September 2016 (the month he was exposed by an Indianapolis Star investigation).
List of Accusers

Larry Nassar Sentencing Hearing, 2nd County, Day 1 of Victim Impact Statements (January 31, 2018): Part 1
The following is a list of women who have openly stated that they have suffered and/or are still suffering from Nassar's actions.
Many of them are gymnasts who choose to remain anonymous in court documents:
Sarah Allen
Presley Allison
Alexis Alvarado
Gwen Anderson
Jeanette Antolin
Meaghan Ashcraft
Alaina Bamfield
Christina Barba
Amanda Barterian
Kaitlyn Basel
Jennifer Rood Bedford
Abigayle Bergeron
Simone Biles
Katie Black
Autumn Blainey
Erin Blayer (a minor at the time she gave her testimony at the hearing)
Madison Bonofiglio
Larissa Boyce
Vanasia Bradley
Ashley Bremer
Selena Brennan
Charla Burill
Whitney Burns
Jade Capua (dancer)
Cassie Castle
Alison Chauvette
Taylor Cole (athlete)
Amanda Cormier
Mya Covey
Olivia Cowan
Samantha Daniels
Jamie Dantzscher
Anna Dayton
Chelsea DeLamielleure (softball player)
Rachael Denhollander (the first woman to openly come foward about Larry Nassar sexually abusing her)
Jamie Doski
Gabby Douglas
Katherine Ebert
Ashley Erickson
Megan Farnsworth
Lyndsy Gamet
Anya Gillengarten
Alliree Gingerich
Megan Ginter
Trinea Gonczar
Catherine Gordon
Arianna Guerrero (gymnast)
Megan Halicek (gymnast)
Catherine Hannum
Christine Harrison
Jennifer Hayes (figure skater)
Taylor Helber
Annette Hill
Carrie Hogan
Jessica Howard (gymnast)
Isabell Hutchins
Brooke Hylec
Kara Johnson
Maddie Johnson
Jennifer Johnstone
Amy Labadie (gymnast)
Annie Labrie (gymnast)
Mattie Larson
Lindsey Lemke (gymnast)
Taylor Livingston
Akemi Look (formerly known as Taryn Look)
Tiffany Thomas Lopez (softball player)
Bailey Lorencen (gymnast)
Kaylee Lorincz (gymnast)
Kathline Lovellette (originally wanted to remain anonymous, but other public speakers gave her the courage to speak without anonymity)
Anna Ludes
Chandler Lynn
Kate Mahon
Madison Margraves
Morgan Margraves (the three Margraves sisters are daughters of Randall Margraves, who famously attempted to attack Nassar at a sentencing hearing on February 2, 2018)
Chelsea Markham (her mother testified in court that Chelsea took her own life in March 2009 after she suffered from depression as a result of Nassar's actions)
Elizabeth Maurer
Mariah McCalian
Erin McCann
Morgan McCaul (dancer)
Kaylee McDowell
Amanda McGeachie
Abigail Mealy (Amanda's sister)
Amanada Mealy (Abigail's sister)
Lindsay Medrano
Emily Meinke
Whitney Mergens
Lauren Michalak
Alexis Moore (gymnast)
Dr. Danielle Moore
Kamerin Moore (gymnast)
Emily Morales
Hannah Morrow
Jenelle Moul
A.N. (chose to remain anonymous and reportedly wished to be known only by her initials)
Maggie Nichols
Maureen Payne
Eve Petrie (a minor at the time she gave her testimony at the hearing)
Lynlee Phillips
Melody Posthuma-Vanderveen
Bayle Pickel
Erin Poliquin
Kassie Powell (gymnast)
Gabriela Ralph
Brianne Randall-Gay (gymnast)
Katie Rasmussen
Breanne Rata
Nicole Reeb
Sterling Reithman
Stephanie Robinson (gymnast)
Jessica Chedler Rodriguez
Alexandra Romano
Lindsey Schuett
Brittney Schumann
Laura Scudder
Marion Siebert
Megan Simon
Jessica Smith (dancer)
Amanda Smyth (gymnast)
Nicole Soos (figure skater)
Kayla Spicher
Kyle Stephens
Marta Stern
Jillian Swinehart
Clasina Syrovy (gymnast)
Jessica Tarrant
Amanda Thomashow (student at Michigan State University)
Jessica Thomashow
Makayla Thrush
Samantha Ursch
Morgan Valley
Olivia Venuto
Melissa Vigogne
Krista Wakeman
Valerie Webb
Helena Weick
Kourtney Weidner
Ashleigh Weiszbrod (a minor at the time she gave her testimony at the hearing)
Jordyn Wieber
Emily Winter
Natalie Woodland
Lindsay Woolever
Ashley Yost
Another accuser, Katherine was one of 16 women who filed criminal complaints against Nassar; Indianapolis publisher IndyStar agreed to withhold her last name. When she was 15 years old, during the 1990's, she recalls going to Nassar because she had back pain. She went to the police after repeatedly being penetrated by Nassar with his fingers. She says this happened in 7 to 10 treatments over a two-year period.
Guilty Plea
On July 11, 2017, he pleaded guilty to having thousands of images of child pornography discovered in his trash.
Nassar acknowledge he dumped computer hard drives and paid $49 to have the memory of his laptop wiped clean to "impede and obstruct" investigators who were hearing widespread allegations from women and girls that he had sexually assaulted them.
He plead guilty to three charges in federal court in western Michigan, each carrying up to 20 years in prison.
Federal sentences for more than one crime typically run at the same time, but it's possible that U.S.
District Judge Janet Neff could order separate, consecutive punishments for Nassar when he is sentenced November 27.
On November 22, 2017, Larry Nassar plead guilty to seven counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct in Ingham County Circuit Court. He also plans to plead guilty to three more counts of first-degree criminal sexual conduct on December 4.
On January 24, 2017, Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Rosemarie Aquilina sentenced him to a further 40 to 175 years for sexual assault on minors.
Attack at Sentencing
At his sentencing, the father of 3 of the victims, Randall Margraves, Vice President and Secretary of R.M. Electric, Inc., attempted to tackle Nassar. Before doing so, he angrily asked the judge to “grant me five minutes in a locked room with this demon.” When the judge said no, he asked for one minute, and then charged, yelling, "I want that son of a bitch!"
Randall was then tackled by 3 courtroom officers and detained.
When a woman in attendance reprimanded Randall, he told her that she had "not lived through this".
Personal Life
On October 19, 1996, Larry Nassar married Stefanie Nassar at St. John’s Catholic Church in East Lansing, Michigan. The couple later moved to Holt, Michigan and had three children Ryan, Katelyn, and Caroline.
On January 25, 2017, Larry Nassar's wife Stefanie Nassar filed for divorce and asked for custody of their three children.
The divorce came after he was charged with the sexual assault of multiple patients in November 2017. Stefanie later received sole legal and physical custody of their three children.