Jon Pollard
Jon Pollard
Dr. Jon Pollard is the secondary center principal of Wyoming Area, a high school located in West Pittston. In June, 2017, he became the center of social media controversy after he interrupted the speech by Valedictorian, Peter Butera. [1]
Personal Life & Activities
Pollard giving a talk.
Dr. Jon Pollard resides in the state of Pennsylvania for much of his life. He grew up, attended high school, and earned his degrees from higher education institutions in the
Pollard would go on to attend West Chester University of Pennsylvania, and received his Master of Arts in History. [1]
He has been a part of working as an educator and also as an administrator for several high school districts throughout Philadelphia and Exeter. Pollard served as the assistant principal at Lake-Lehman Jr./Sr. High School; a business education teacher at Wyoming Valley West; and taught Social Studies at John Bartram High School in Philadelphia.
Valedictorian Speech Incident
Peter giving his speech during the graduation ceremony and Principal Pollard cutting it short.
During the graduation ceremony on the evening of June 16th, 2017, valedictorian, Peter Butera was giving his speech just when Principal Pollard cut it short and told him to sit down. The reason Mr. Pollard cut it short was due to the realities expressed in Peter's speech regarding the authoritarian behavior from the administration.
When asked about the interruption, Peter said the following:
“I don’t think it could have gone any better... I got my point across and them cutting the microphone proved my point to be true.”
According to the Wyoming Area Superintendent Janet Serino, she said graduation speeches are vetted ahead of time and Butera veered off the script of the one he submitted.
This is what Peter would have said to finish off his speech if he wasn't cut off:
“Hopefully for the sake of future students, more people of authority within this school will prioritize the empowering of students as well as preparing them to further their educations.
Because, at the end of the day, it is not what we have done as Wyoming Area students or athletes that will define our lives, but what we will go on to do as Wyoming Area alumni.
And I hope that every one of my fellow classmates here today, as well as myself, will go on to do great things in this world and find true happiness and success.
Thank you all for coming out to this great celebration today.”
Peter doesn't believe that his speech was at all disrespectful but a precise and friendly critique of the administration he saw each day he attended the school for four years.