Jason Lemkin
Jason Lemkin
Jason Lemkin is an American entrepreneur and Investor whose passion and field of expertise is in Software as a service. He resides in Palo Alto, California. [1]
Lemkin received his undergraduate degree and Harvard University in 1991 and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley School of Law five years later. In 2002, Lemkin completed the executive management program at the Stanford Graduate School of Business. [1]
After a career in the corporate world working in upper managements for companies such as BabyCenter, NeoPhotonics, and cofounding NanoGram Devices, Lemkin was a co-founder of EchoSign in 2005 which he later sold to Adobe Systems six years later. [1]
Today, Lemkin is the managing director of the SaaStr Fund which has more than $70 million in capital at its disposal.
Collectively, the startups that the fund has invested in have grown to be worth over $1.5 billion, with an average entry price of $13m per investment, in less than three years.
In addition, Lemkin is a Trusted Advisor at SaaStr.com which helps over 100,000 people involved in the field of SaaS with insight, advice, and tips on how to make their ventures succeed.