Evan Perez
Evan Perez
Evan Perez is a Belizian journalist based in Washington, D.C. He is a CNN justice Correspondent covering law enforcement, cyber, and national security. [2] [1]
Evan Perez graduated from University of South Florida with a degree in Journalism. [2]
Prior to coming to CNN, Perez covered justice, crime and National security at the Washington Bureau of the Wall Street Journal. His team broke the news on the complaint that sparked the federal investigation of former Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus, and the subsequent removal of an FBI agent in the case. [2]
After the Boston bombings, Perez's team also broke news on important investigation developments, including the suspected source of explosives and materials used to make the bombs. Perez also covered the following beats while with the Wall Street Journal, real estate, airlines, cruise line and the construction industry. [2]
He was the first to deliver the news of prosecutors filing criminal charges against U.S.
Senator Bob Menendez and the first charges against the leader of 2012 Benghazi attack.[2]
Prior to the joining the Wall Street Journal in 1998, he worked as a Miami reporter for the Associated Press. [2]
Awards & Accomplishments
His team was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for their coverage of the 2004 Florida hurricane season.[2] In 2017, Perez and his CNN colleagues Jake Tapper, Carl Bernstein and Jim Sciutto, were awarded with the White House Correspondence Association's Merriman Smith Award in the broadcast category for their report on how the intelligence community believed Russia had compromising information on Donald Trump.