
about token
eosDAC is an EOS block producer candidate.
It is the vision of eosDAC that EOS.IO
block production should be open for everyone to contribute and benefit. To
realise this vision, eosDAC will be an evolving Decentralised Autonomous Community (DAC) focused on becoming a leading EOS.IO Block
Producer serving the EOS communities worldwide. In doing
this, eosDAC will create the tools and smart contracts it needs to function. It will
share these with the EOS communities to help other DACs thrive on the EOS.IO blockchains. [1]
eosDAC will be launched as a DAC on the EOS blockchain at the beginning of June 2018, until then eosDAC is being run by its launch Team.
Members of the launch team have been deeply involved in the EOS community for the past 6 months and are already producing blocks on EOS community testnets.
Currently eosDAC tokens exist on the Ethereum blockchain, these will transfer onto the EOS blockchain once it is operational.
Public Presence
Website URL: https://eosdac.io/ [0]
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+eosdac [9]
Medium: https://medium.com/eosdac [12]
ID on Steemit
Official Name: eosDAC
Location of Company Headquarters: Anguilla
Expected Location of Servers: United Kingdom, Romania, Gibraltar, South Korea
Types of Servers: Cloud and bare metal
Current Employee List [8]:
Rob Allen - Over 20 years experience developing and implementing international ICT projects in a wide range of environments
Michael Yeates - Founder and Managing Director of a successful eCommerce platform.
Highly experienced developer and system implementer
Will Stephens - Founder, director, consultant of many start-ups in the realms of web-hosting and open source software development
Daniel Harris - Founded, managed and sold a successful ISP.
Leads a nonprofit open source music/media research alliance, Kendraio, which is heavily involved in Blockchain research
Ravi Bahadursingh - Over 20 years of legal experience, particularly in the areas of corporate, commercial and financial law.
Is currently working with the Government of Anguilla to introduce ICO regulation
Sebastian Stephens - Seasoned businessman who has set up major data and fibre networks
Gordon Hill - Experienced project manager and developer who works on ecommerce and marketing solutions which interface with cryptocurrencies
Technical Specifications

eosDAC tech specs
eosDAC will be utilising a mix of cloud and bare metal servers.
In the initial stages cloud servers will make up the majority of the mix.
Each EOSIO chain that eosDAC supports will be allocated a primary Block Producer node, a reserve/backup producer node and a non-producing node.
eosDAC will not be tied into a single service provider and each node on a chain will be run through a different service provider.
In the secondary phase (two to six months following chain launch) eosDAC will move to a more even split between dedicated servers in data centres and cloud servers.
Scaling Plan
eosDAC will be continually running tests, and will be collaborating with other block producers, to identify the most appropriate level of infrastructure for launch.
eosDAC will be able to scale block producer nodes up to 2TB RAM, 10GB bandwidth and 50TB storage within hours of those requirements being identified.
Greater potential for scalability will be built into fixed infrastructure in the secondary phase.
Through continuous review eosDAC will ensure that its infrastructure bears positive comparison to the average of other top tier block producers.
Community Projects
eosDAC will be developing the DApps and smart contracts that it needs to function.
These DAC tools will be open source and will be made available through its github repositories to the EOS community to help other groups implement DACs.
eosDAC welcomes all contributors to this initiative and believes this is an essential project to allow EOS to usher in an era of DACs.
Envisioned Dapps will include:
Voting The Proposal life-cycle – creation, submission, voting, authorising, tracking, completing Arbitration Token generation monitoring and distribution Worker/bounty management and payments Block performance monitoring [6]
Telegram + Testnet
Telegram: http://t.me/eosdacio
Block Producer Roadmap
eosDAC will continually be testing on community testnets.
In addition, the following activities will be completed by 1st June:
Set up of Production Infrastructure DAC toolkit roadmap Creation of draft DAC Constitution
The following activities are planned for June:
EOS Chain launch activities eosDAC released on EOS chain Block production Initial skeleton DAC tools released eosDAC Custodians voted in by members and initial handover from launch team
The following activities are planned for Q3 2018:
Block production Infrastructure scaling DAC tool development and implementation Full handover from launch team to custodians [15]
Position on Dividends
eosDAC plans to use EOS token rewards as follows:
To support growth of the EOS blockchain infrastructure. eosDAC will invest heavily in continuously upgrading and improving it’s operational infrastructure to ensure it achieves maximum speed, reliability and redundancy.
To proactively support the wider EOS community of Decentralised Application (DAPP) developers and endusers through investing in it’s own DAPP development and through providing community grants.
Once sufficient funds have been allocated to operational costs, infrastructure growth, community development and contingency funds, eosDAC intends to distribute surplus EOS tokens as decided by eosDAC token holders. This may take many formats including dividends.
It must however be emphasised that dividends given to the DAC members will NOT be dependent on their votes.
DAC members will be rewarded regardless of their votes since they are the owners of the DAC.
It should also be noted that although there may be considerable overlap between the DAC members and EOS token holders, the two distributions are distinct by design.