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Dylan Skolnik

Dylan Skolnik

Dylan Skolnik is a fourth year Sociology and FIlm student at University of California, Los Angeles. [1] He is a graphic designer for the Daily Bruin, the founder of the Lawn Blanket Society at UCLA, and the founder of Penthouse Records. [1] Dylan coined the term and lifestyle movement Indule and resides in a penthouse in Westwood, CA with Miles Anthony amongst many other pentbauses. Dylan is an active supporter of the Baus movement.


Dylan is very talented in video production, and has made a few TV shows of his own, most notably his award winning show this summer called Session C. Dylan also founded Dylbigdyl Productions at a very early age. Currently, Dylan works as an intern at MGM Studios. [1]


Citation Linklinkedin.comDtlan Skolnik on LinkedIn
Sep 28, 2016, 4:43 AM
Citation Linkfacebook.comDylan Skolnik on Facebook
Sep 28, 2016, 4:45 AM
Citation Linkmedium.comDylan Skolnik on Medium
Sep 28, 2016, 4:45 AM