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Duane Ehmer

Duane Ehmer

Duane Ehmer, 45, is a welder from Irrigon, Oregon and appears in a YouTube video inside the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupation by the Citizens For Constitutional Freedom's compound.


He was later photographed on horseback nearby carrying an American flag.

"I came down here to find out what was really going on," he says in an interview on the porch of one of the headquarters buildings wearing a "Desert Storm Veteran" baseball cap.


A Facebook post on January 6 said he had returned home to work for a few days and then head back to refuge.



Citation Linkfacebook.comDuane Ehmer 's primary Facebookaccount.
Jan 28, 2016, 1:59 AM
Citation Linkoregonlive.comThe Oregonian's profile on Duane Ehmer.
Jan 28, 2016, 1:59 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comDuane Ehmer's involvement with the Citizens For Constitutional Freedommilitia as presented on a YouTubevideo.
Jan 28, 2016, 2:01 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comDuane Ehmer's involvement with the Citizens For Constitutional Freedom militia as presented on a YouTube video.
Jan 28, 2016, 2:01 AM