Dr.David Newman
Dr.David Newman
David Newman is a doctor at The Mount Sinai Hospital, an Army veteran, emergency room physician, and he is the director of clinical research at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine.
Newman is considered a leading voice in health reform, He recently gave a talk on the subject.
Newman is also very passionate about gun control, comparing what he saw in combat hospital s while serving to the Sandy Hook shootings.
On January 11, 2016, Newman was accused of sexual assault in an emergency room. The accuser alleged that gave her an exrta shot of Morphine then proceeded to ejaculate on her face while she was immobilized.
According to the accuser, she changed into a gown for X-rays, removing her shirt and bra.
Following the removal of her clothing, Dr. David Newman entered the room and told her he was giving her a shot of Morphine, even though a nurse had already administered the dose.
After the second shot, the woman alleges that she was unable to move.
While the Newman was examining the patient’s back, she told him she felt pain in her chest.
The woman alleges that Newman started to fondle her breasts, Then moved away from her bed away to a wall and positioned himself with his back toward the patient.
The woman alleges that she heard the sounds of masturbation and then felt a liquid substance on her face.
Newman authored Hippocrates’ Shadow: Secrets From the House of Medicine where he talks about the modern disconnect that is often encountered between doctors and patients.