Daisy Armstrong
Daisy Armstrong
Daisy Armstrong was a three-year-old heiress born into the Prominent Armstrong family. Miss Armstrong was kidnapped by a man named Cassetti. Cassetti eventually killed Daisy, despite collecting the ransom from the wealthy Armstrong family. The shock devastated the family, leading to a number of deaths and suicides. Daisy's mother, Sonia Armstrong, was pregnant when she heard of Daisy's death. The shock sent her into premature labour, and both she and the baby died. Her husband, Colonel Armstrong, shot himself out of grief. Daisy's nursemaid, Susanne, was suspected of complicity in the crime by the police, despite her protests. She threw herself out of a window and died, although she was later proved innocent. Cassetti was caught, but fled the country after he was acquitted. It's suspected that Cassetti used his considerable resources to rig the trial.