Bonnie Kalanick
Bonnie Kalanick
Bonnie grew up in Mississippi and graduated from Hamilton High School.
[5]She worked in retail advertising for many years including for the Ventura County Star and Los Angeles Daily News. [5]Bonnie is married to Donald Kalanick and is the mother of Travis Kalanick, CEO of Uber Technologies. [0]They raised Travis in a Los Angeles suburb and played a huge role in his life supporting him. At one point when Travis was not doing so well, they welcomed him back with open arms. Bonnie is remembered for being kind, very funny, having an infectious smile as well as a having a delightful demeanor. [1]
On May 28th, Bonnie and her husband Donald were boating in Pine Flat Lake in Fresno County when the boat struck a rock and sank. Donald suffered moderate injuries while Bonnie died from the accident. Donald remains in the hospital. [1]