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Anthony Brennan III

Anthony Brennan III

Anthony Brennan III is a 60-year-old cyclist residing in Kensington, Maryland. [3] [2]

In the Media

Brennan was identified as the man in a widely circulated video allegedly showing him assaulting three young walkers, a man and two young girls, posting flyers protesting the death of George Floyd on the Capital Crescent Trail in Montgomery County on June 1, 2020. [3] [2]

The video posted to social media shows a male bicyclist, identified as Brennan, accosting a young woman while another young woman screams at him to “get off of her.” Brennan then grabs his bike and rushes toward the young man who is filming. He then appears to fall to the ground. [3]

The video has gone viral on social media, garnering over 27 million views.

[2] A 34-second version also was posted on Reddit and was circulating widely. [2]

The longer clip starts with Anthony Brennan III turning to walk away from one young woman as he focuses on the other and walks toward her.

The first young woman yells, “Do not touch her!

Do not touch her!” as a male voice says, “Leave her alone.”


As the man gets close to the second young woman, the first young woman screams, “She has nothing!

Do not touch her, sir!” The male tells the man, “Walk away.”


On Friday June 5, 2020, Anthony Brennan III was arrested and charged with three counts of second-degree assault.


See also


Citation Linkbethesdamagazine.comKensington man charged with assaulting group on Capital Crescent Trail, as seen in video
Jun 6, 2020, 2:21 AM
Citation Linkwtop.comCyclist who charged youth putting up George Floyd protest flyers arrested
Jun 6, 2020, 2:25 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comRacist Cyclist Assault kids in park.Identified (ret cop)"Bike Tyson", Anthony Brennan III(charged)
Jun 6, 2020, 2:57 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAnthony Brennan III
Jun 6, 2020, 3:00 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comScreenshot of Anthony Brennan III from the viral video
Jun 6, 2020, 3:04 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comThe sign being posted by the youngs and man
Jun 6, 2020, 3:14 AM