Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith
Alyssa Smith was a 16-year-old from Plainfield, Illinois. [6]
Life and Activities
Alyssa Smith worked at a local animal shelter
Alyssa attended Plainfield South High School where she had many friends. [6]One passion that was closest to her heart were rescuing animals and volunteered at her local animal shelter, Hopeful Tails. [5]Alyssa worked at her high school's preschool where she was revered as a role model for the children. [7]Furthermore, suicide prevention was an issue close to Alyssa's heart and displayed a banner of it on her Facebook profile. [6]Alyssa is remembered for her bright smile, contagious laugh, and compassion for others. [5]
On the evening of March 14th around 5:00 pm, Alyssa was a passenger in a vehicle when the driver lost control and crashed into a utility pole.
Smith was transported to Saint Joseph's Hospital in Joliet and was later pronounced dead by examiners.