XYO Network
XYO Network
Interview with XYO Network Founder -Arie Trouw
XYO Network is an American Cryptocurrency company building the world's first people-powered location network built on blockchain technology. [1] Using decentralized cryptographic network, they aim to enable smart contracts to access real world objects using the project’s ecosystem for locating devices using X-Y coordinates, i.e. allowing the configuration of applications that implement smart contract transactions.
XYO was founded in 2012 and based in the city of San Diego with the idea to build an internet ecosystem using Blockchain technology. A year later, a blockchain platform called Ethereum was introduced that contributed greatly to the technology.
SPATIAL byXYO Network | Keynote
The gas used to power it is the cryptocurrency called 'XYO'.
For the last several years, the XY has been developing the technologies critical to bringing blockchain to the offline world, in order to make them programmable and accessible to smart contracts.
To make this possible, they had to overcome two extraordinarily difficult tasks: First, they created a location-based consumer product business focused on getting Bluetooth and GPS tracking beacons out into the world.
And second, they developed ground-breaking research within the realm of location-focused blockchain technology so it is no longer limited to the online world.
After years of research and innovation, they accomplished both.
XY has become the leader in the world of findable technology with Bluetooth and GPS tracking devices which allow everyday consumers to track real-world items in real-time, right from their smart phones.
XY now has over 1 million location beacon devices circulating in the world.
In just a few years, they have created the single largest network of Bluetooth & GPS devices in the world.
The XYO Network makes it possible for smart contracts to access the real world by using the XYO Network's ecosystem of devices to determine if an object is at a specific XY-coordinate.
If it is, one can set up applications which execute transactions in the smart contract.
This has opened up a new world of possibilities.
The applications of such a technology are infinite.