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World Ventures

World Ventures

The company offers membership in a travel club that will provide discounts on holiday trips worldwide.

These are sold through its business model multi-level level marketing (MLM), and the company's independent sales representatives earn commissions by selling memberships.

In 2014 the company had sales of $ 315 million.

To become sales representative must pay $ 200 in enrollment fee and $ 25 monthly fee.

World Ventures collaborates with Rovia Dreamtrips.

In March 2013 the company was Rovia Norway AS created by lawyers Bertram Vedeler and Jan Roar Fløttre.

In 2013 and 2014 Rovia awarded prize for the world's leading travel club by World Travel Awards (WTA).

In 2015 they received the corresponding prices for Africa, Europe, and North America's leading travel club from WTA.



Citation Linkfacebook.comWorld Ventures on Facebook
Mar 4, 2016, 11:28 PM
Citation Linkno.wikipedia.orgWikipedia entry.
Mar 4, 2016, 11:30 PM