Voat is a user submitted content website with discussion boards started by Atif Colo.
It was created to be a free speech alternative to Reddit.
The site has become a hub for Alt-right postings including content in support of U.S.
President Donald Trump, Pepe the Frog, anti-immigration, and anti-Leftist politics.
Bigoted posts attacking Black people, Jews, Mexicans, immigrants, and Globalists also feature on the site.
Users upvote or downvote content submissions such as Meme s, gifs, and screenshots.
Voat originally created a paypal account to receive donations for upgrading server capacity; however, founder Atif Colo responded with "The reason given was ‘Under the Acceptable Use Policy, PayPal may not be used to send or receive payments for certain sexually oriented materials or services or for items that could be considered obscene’.
This is wrong/false on so many levels.
We used PayPal only as a means to receive voluntary donations from people who wanted to support further development of Voat."
Colo tarted Voat as a student side-project while studying Computer Science at the University of Lund, Sweden.
After the site's launch in 2014, new users shared many of their concerns on Voat about Reddit so Colo was inspired “to keep developing Voat and providing an alternative platform where users would not be censored and still say whatever they want.”
As of July 2015, Voat has had ~2,000,000 unique visitors and ~30 million page views, up from 138,717 unique visitors and just 1.8 million page views the previous month.