Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz
Tony Schwartz is a journalist, writer, and consultant.
In 1987, he ghostwrote Donald Trump's The Art of The Deal after spending eighteen months with him.
He considers Trump a sociopath, a pathological liar, dangerously impulsive and self-centered and goes so far in saying “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes there's an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.” [9] [11] Schwartz additionally adds that what drives Trump the most is his need for attention and that his public persona is the only dimension to him. [11]
Schwartz feels incredibly guilty for selling out and helping Trump get to the position where he's today.
He has after donated all of his royalties from the book to immigration charities.
Tony Schwartz is additionally a speaker for companies.
He is at the centre of the new thinking that creates sustainable high performance by managing energy and building capacity vs. simply working harder.
Tony draws on multi-disciplinary science as well as on three decades spent studying great performers.
He and his organization, The Energy Project, have redefined the way individuals and organisations can thrive in a world of relentlessly increasing demand, complexity and change.