Tom Kysar
Tom Kysar
Tom Kysar is a Cryptocurrency enthusiast based in San Francisco. He currently handles operations at Augur, a decentralized prediction market built on Ethereum. [1]
Kysar is a moderator of the Augur StackExchange [1], a founding member of the WC3 Chainpoint Standard working group and a Bitcoin hackathon competitor.
He helped get the Ferguson Public Library to accept Bitcoin donations via Twitter during their riot.
He's spoken about cryptocurrency at Rice University, Bitcoin Amsterdam, Bitcoin San Diego, Bitcoin Santa Monica, Ethereum Berlin and more.
In August 2014, Kysar joined Koinify as head of marketing in Palo Alto, California, where he helped GetGems and Factom collectively raise over ~5,000+ BTC. Koinify was a crypto crowdfunding platform founded in 2014, funded by Sequoia China, Blockchain Capital and IDG Capital. Kysar wrote articles for BraveNewCoin, a cryptocurrency publication following breaking news and trading insights. He covered the $GBTC Bitcoin Investment Trust, OpenBazzar, Lightlist/Lighthouse, Kaspersky Ransomware, ZeroNet and more.
In March 2016, joined Tierion as director of growth and helped move the company to Silicon Valley.
Tierion is a service for generating cryptographic proofs for any file or piece of data using the Bitcoin blockchain.
Kysar left Tierion in October 2016, and Tierion went on to raise $25M in a token sale in August 2017.
Kysar joined Augur (the Forecast Foundation) as a product manager, where he currently works.
He posts a development update for the Augur Project every week and writes most of their blog posts.