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The Trillbilly Workers Party

The Trillbilly Workers Party

The Trillbilly Workers Party is a podcast that was launched in 2017. Through their popular podcasts, the “Trillbillies” draw national attention to Central Appalachian leftist organizing efforts. Despite the name, the Trillbilly Workers Party is not actually a political party.[3]


Focused On Issues Involving Appalachia

Episodes are usually devoted to speaking to an activist or group leader who is working on a certain issue that pertains to Appalachia or Kentucky. Labor leaders frequently come on the show, like Catte, who is rural outreach chair for Democratic Socialists of America-Charlottesville, and Michelle Miller, co-founder of Coworker.org, which promotes campaigns for workplace democracy. On their season finale episode, Jacobin fellow and DSA Praxis leader R.L. Stephens came on as a special guest to talk about the private prison industry. This is a particularly important issue for the Trillbillies as there are seven prisons within listening radius of WMMT (FM), where the podcast is recorded.[1]


Citation Linkwww.scalawagmagazine.org
Dec 12, 2019, 12:42 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.com
Dec 12, 2019, 12:43 AM
Citation Linkcoinerblog.com
May 18, 2021, 10:21 PM