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Stanislav Vishnevskiy

Stanislav Vishnevskiy

Stanislav Vishnevskiy is the founder and Chief Technical Officer of Discord (application). [1]


Stanislav was feature don the Forbes 30 Under 30 (2018).

He worked at Guildwork from 2009 until now.

Guildwork is a social network and web hosting service built to fill the needs of gamers involved with group activities on large scales within MMORPGs (massively multiplayer role playing games) such as World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XI.

Launched in October 2010, Guildwork is getting millions of hits a month and hosting over 1000 sites.


Architected and developed a python web framework on top of FriendFeed’s Tornado web server to suit the unique needs of building a scalable social web hosting service.


He was a Senior Software engineer on GREE International. [1]

Stanislav is most notable for being the Chief Technical Officer of Discord, a free voice and text chat marketed primarily to gamers. It is a competitor to Skype and TeamSpeak. *


Citation Linkdiscordapp.comDiscord's website
Nov 22, 2017, 12:14 AM
Citation Linklinkedin.comStanislav's LinkedIn
Nov 21, 2017, 8:33 AM
Citation Linkgithub.comVishnevskiy's Github
Nov 21, 2017, 8:44 AM