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Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde

Sam Hyde is an American comedian and a co-founder of the YouTube channel Million Dollar Extreme. Sam is also a stand-up comic and has performed in various locations across Massachusetts, his home state. His comedy is characterized by heavy satire he often interacts with the audience during his shows, often making fun of them with the interactions. He is a known far-right Conservative and doesn't stand for any social justice nonsense. This guy will straight choke you out if you even so much as utter the words, "BuzzFeed", "Socialism", or "Immigration". He is also a proud Donald J Trump supporter and does a fantastic Jamaican accent. He and 65,000 other white nationalists enjoy his YouTube videos. His channel was dormant from March to July 2016 because he was busy filming for the show Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace alongside co-stars and personal friends Nick Rochefort and Charls Carroll.

Sam and Lena Dunham Sam hates Lena Dunham with a passion because she sexually preyed on her sister ('pebbles' incident) at a young age, and to this day she claims it was normal thing to do.

Enraged, Sam tells her:

"Lena Dunham: I'm not gonna attack you.

I wouldn't come out openly and attack you, or do anything illegal.

What I will do is this: Alright bitch, you've made threats against me; so now if I see you in person I'm gonna be afraid for my safety, and I'm gonna have to make the first move--physically attack you--first, Lena Dunham, okay, I'm gonna have to protect my life, alright.

And if the police come, cool.

If they don't, I'm--I'll take it to the end.

You're gonna sign a contract, essentially your death papers; you're going to sign away the rights to your life in a fight in the ring to the death.

I'm practicing, okay.

Lena Dunham, I studied your tapes; you're a fat pig.

That means specifically I'm gonna go for your midsection, okay, I'm gonna try to knock your fuckin' head off.

In public when I see you, Lena Dunham, I'm gonna knock your fuckin' head off.

punches and kicks punching bag Like that. Okay, Lena? Lena Dunham I'm comin' for you. It's gonna look just like this: Oh, walkin' around LA; that's a nice coffee shop. What's that? Is that the sound of pebbles? cuts to clips of retard strength kicks Right in the crotch . Gonna clinch up. Clinch up with Lena Dunham . devastating barrage of punches and knees Just like that bitch. Comin' for you."

Television Debut

In May 2016, Adult Swim posted a teaser for the show "Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace". It features Sam Hyde along with the other stars of the MDE YouTube channel, Nich Rochefort and Charles Carroll.

Mass Shooter Confusion

Over the last year, Sam has been named the shooter in over a dozen mass shootings on Twitter.

Yet Un-sourced Information from a Reddit MDE Biographer

On August 15, 2015, Reddit user dettol_dettol "mde biograper" posted the following response in a thread entitled "i wanna know more about sam hyde":

"Sam Hyde's early days: his struggle to find a place in the world, and release through comedy Sam Hyde is more than a man, he is the hallmark of the modern western male raised on estrogen infused chicken and broken human relationships. The reason he has drawn such a following is his embodiment of all of us. We all share traits with Sam, and this is what drew us and him to the 4chan culture. Sam does what most of us don't have the courage to do, allowing his real and virtual world to combine in the form of MDE. Sam was born on April 16, 1985, and from the very moment he first gasped air, his raison d'รชtre has been comedy. His mother always laughed at toddler Sam's mischiefs around the house. This ultimately affected his life path; Sam was raised into a predefined image stemming from his youthful and innocent vigor. This impacted him greatly, and his sole method of gaining the trust and friendship of others became humor. Sam does not remember his youth fondly, experiencing the divorce of his parents as well as a troubled school life, and would often miss classes or just not pay attention, preferring simply to make his classmates laugh. During his schooling, Sam perfected his ability to play the role of "class clown," though we can see in retrospect that perhaps this facade arose as a defense against the bullying and alienation he experienced in elementary, which might be due to the lack of a father figure. Sam is like most of us in this respect, an 'outsider', but did not drop his guise after it successfully got him through highschool with only minor hiccups. Taking on a 40k USD Film major at RISD, and pursuing further study at Carnegie Mellon, Sam still saw a need to protect himself through a constant miasma of insincerity, and this is when the Million Dollar Extreme alter-ego truly came into form. Starting out with film projects for his major, Sam honed his obscure form of humor further, before creating the MDE Youtube channel on Dec 30th, 2007, around the time he finished his postgraduate studies at Carnegie. Sam was living in Pawtucket at this point; not exactly an upper class neighborhood. It would be no understatement to say that Sam's tertiary studies had an impact on the family finances, despite Sam pitching in as much as he could, working as a car salesman with Nick. Sam was not able to find a job with his qualifications despite classmates getting placements at production studios like Nickelodeon, and so his student debt became a looming and increasingly troubling figure over his head. Sam's relationship with his mother was strained at this point, and he became upset with his lot in life. Sam took up weightlifting to relieve the stress he was constantly under, as he could not meet the expectations his college life had set him up for. From 2007 onward, Sam devoted most of his free time to MDE (doing freelance graphic design on the side) with the help of now laid-off Rochefort, who brought childhood friend Charles into the MDE group. This was the era of the vertical video; starting in 2007 at MDE's true inception and effectively ending with the publication of "College Cunts" on June the 19th, 2012. These vertical videos reflect a disillusionment with the world around him, and Sam would post these videos on 4chan and 4chon, ignoring any negative feedback he received. It is interesting to note that Sam had a skin affliction of some sort at this time, and it may have contributed to his depression; his only girlfriend left him in 2011, later joining the Occupy Wallstreet movement before becoming a realtor. Sam, Nick and Charles would hold frequent creative meetings, trying to think up content which would help them break through to a larger audience โ€“ efforts such as Tissuebox, despite good work from the team, failed to receive much traction. However, with the efforts of Sam and Nick in Mid 2012 (Charles was busy recording multiple audiobooks at this time), after long creative discussions into the early hours of the morning in a Providence apartment, MDE drifted away from their roots in vertical videos, moving onto more mainstream works such as "Ideas Man", and even releasing a comedy album ("TWAT"). From then onward, it was only a matter of time. Sam's videos were now being viraled on 4chan, Reddit and Facebook not only by him, but by his new fans who enjoyed a mixture of amateur, Sam-only phone videos, and the exercises of Sam's technical skill he had paid the world for, starring the trio we know today. Sam's fanbase continued to grow, and he fostered his internet presence with a new drive, marketing himself first via mde.tv, which he launched in 2011, and then finally founding the MDE subreddit on December 15th, 2012, all the while releasing more and more content for his fans to enjoy and spread around. Finally, after the Kickstarter TV full series was funded on Indiegogo, and many costly metallic T-shirts were shipped around the globe, MDE landed an Adult Swim slot in 2014, secured through old friends from Carnegie. The show "World Peace", named by fans, is now in the works, and things are looking up for Sam Hyde, as well as Million Dollar Extreme as a whole."


Citation Linkfacebook.comSam Hyde's primary Facebookaccount.
Dec 27, 2015, 11:07 PM
Citation Linkyoutube.comSam's youtube.Here he collaborates with Charls Carroll and Nick Rochefort.
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkforbes.comArticle explaining how Sam has been incorrectly (and perhaps intentionally) named the mass shooter in many recent incidents.
Aug 24, 2016, 7:33 PM
Citation Linkmde.tvMDE.tv
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkfacebook.comSam Hyde on Facebook.
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkplus.google.comGoogle+
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comCool It with the Anti-semitic Remarks--- [Sam Hyde one hour stand-up] (rough!)
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comKSTV clip - ep. 17 Intro
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comKickstarter TV: Where Dreams Go to Die
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comv-day bernie sanders pozzin'
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comSam reviews Papa John's pizza -- and reveals his disdain for socialism.
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comSam giving his infamous "Dead in One Hit" speech.
Aug 24, 2016, 7:03 PM
Citation Linktwitter.comSam's twitter.
May 2, 2016, 6:29 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comThe teaser ripped from the Adult Swim stream and then posted to YouTube.
Aug 24, 2016, 7:47 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.comMDE videos in reverse chronological order.
Aug 24, 2016, 6:38 PM
Citation Linkyoutube.comInterview with Anthony Fantano.Sam showcases his Jamaican accent and discusses his political views.
Aug 24, 2016, 6:42 PM
Citation Linkreddit.comThe Reddit thread in which the self-proclaimed "mde biographer" posted a long essay chronicling Sam's life.
Aug 25, 2016, 3:02 AM
Citation Linkeveripedia-storage.s3.amazonaws.comSam Hyde posed as a gunman many times and has been debunked by Snopes
Nov 10, 2017, 1:07 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comCool It with the Anti-semitic Remarks--- [Sam Hyde one hour stand-up] (rough!)
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM
Citation Linkwww.youtube.comKSTV clip - ep. 17 Intro
May 2, 2016, 6:26 AM