SRK Consulting
SRK Consulting
SRK Consulting is a private world-class consulting firm that provides professional solutions and advice to its clients, who are predominantly into Water resources and Soil management businesses.
SRK was formed in 1974.
It has over 1,400 professional employees working in forty five locations spread over six continents worldwide.
SRK Consulting hires prominent specialists in every field of Engineering and Science.
Its unified integration of services, as well as its global base all make it a foremost international firm in confidential internal reviews due diligence and feasibility studies.
SRK Consulting handles mining projects and offers services ranging from exploration, production, mine planning, feasibility, and mine closure.
SRK is purely a consultancy firm that holds no equity in any project and is primarily owned by staff, a quality that has made the group independent.
This quality makes it possible for its consultants to deliver objective and conflict-free support to its clients on crucial matters.
This is predominantly important for feasibility studies and due diligence, which forms a major part of SRK's business.