Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Sivasailam Thiagarajan
Sivasailam “Thiagi” Thiagarajan is currently Resident Mad Scientist at the Thiagi Group, an organization that helps people accomplish more through interactive strategies for improving performance.
Internationally recognized as an expert in human performance technology, Thiagi has lived in three different countries and has trained in 25 others.
Earlier in his life, Thiagi has been a high-school teacher of Physics, a street corner magician, a newspaper reporter, editor of a professional journal, keynote speaker, college professor, USAID project director in Africa, a game designer, and writer.
Thiagi is the author of 40 books and hundreds of professional articles.
He has designed 220 popular training games and simulations.
He publishes a monthly newsletter on creative learning activities, facilitation, and training.