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Simratpal Singh

Simratpal Singh

Simratpal Singh is an Army Ranger who graduated from West Point. Singh is the first individual to be allowed to serve in the United States military with his Sikh turban and beard.

Captain Simratpal (“Simmer”) Singh was born in Punjab, India in 1989 and immigrated to the United States when he was nine years old.

He graduated from Interlake High School in Bellevue, Washington in 2006.

His mother and father work in manufacturing.

Captain Singh’s great grandfather served in the British Indian Army during World War I and went on to become a freedom fighter in the struggle for Indian independence.

The fact that the United States welcomed his family, provided opportunities and became his home made Captain Singh want to offer his service to the military.

"I am thankful that I no longer have to make the choice between faith and service to our nation."

-Captain Singh.



Citation Linkreuters.comSimratpal Singh's primary page.
Apr 2, 2016, 2:04 AM
Citation Linksikhcoalition.orgHis bio from the Sikh Coalition
Apr 2, 2016, 2:09 AM
Citation Linksikhcoalition.orgAn article about the landmark decision
Apr 2, 2016, 2:09 AM