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Shakira Ja-nai Paye

Shakira Ja-nai Paye

Shakira Ja-nai Paye known as Kira was born in Baltimore, Maryland. She is an actress, writer, director, producer. She is a driven, passionate and hardworking person.[1][9][18]

Early Life and Education

Shakira Ja'nai Paye grew up in Maryland and is based in Los Angeles:

Although living in Baltimore is different from Los Angeles. The east coast has an entirely different type of swag to it. Also, they have way better crab cakes in Maryland.

Her interest in acting and comedy started when her father took her on her first audition when she was one year old. She later started performing at the local theatre in middle school, and majored in theatre in high school.

She received her Bachelor's degree from The American Musical and Dramatic Academy College.



Her comedy career started in LA (Los Angeles) and she fell in love with improv.

Shakira Ja'nai Paye's net worth is $1.5 Million.[23] She has worked on Netflix, Paramount, Disney, MTV, and Cinemax to name a few.

She has been a member of the female comedy troupe Obama's Other Daughters since 2016.

Shakira starred opposite Ashton Sanders in the Netflix Drama, “All Day and a Night” from revolutionary director, Joe Robert Cole.

The film follows a young American man who deals with the complicated circumstances that led him to commit a homicide and the repercussions that ensue.

Shakira plays “Shantaye", the complicated love interest to Sander’s “Jah”. “She loves hard, but she’s also strong and she won’t be stepped on by anyone. She’s been through a lot for a young person, but she’s still able to see the cup as half full.” Shakira understands the importance of a film like "All Day and a Night".

“This movie shows us the importance of respecting the humanity of all people, because we all have a story”.

All Day and a Night will come to Netflix on May 1, 2020. [22]

The Obama’s Other Daughters

"Obama’s Other Daughters" is an all Black female comedy formation. They just closed a digital deal with Comedy Central in partnership with the creative team behind Broad City — Lucia Aniello and Paul W. Downs, and their first sketch recently went live.

Shakira Ja'nai Paye got together with Obama’s Other Daughters through a Facebook group on the UCB diversity page. They were all searching for a sense of community and a space to practice and hone their improv skills. Through lots of hard work and tons of practice, they’ve become like sisters. [10]

Where the name “Obama’s Other Daughters” comes from

They pitched a few different group names over mimosas and landed on "Obama’s Other Daughters".

They felt like the name was funny and clear on who they are:

black girls who, if they could be, would be daughters of the best president the country (United States) has ever seen!

They normally perform and host their monthly Black Girl Magic show in Los Angeles. It's the only all-black, all-female show, at the Upright Citizen’s Brigade, one of the top comedy theaters in the country. They’ve performed for audiences as large as 3,000 and often tour at colleges and comedy festivals around the country. It's been a lot of fun to them!


  • Boy Makes Girl (post-production) (2020) as Sousie

  • Day 13 (completed) (2020) as Sonia

  • All Day and a Night (completed) 2020 as Shantaye

  • Twenties (TV Series) (2020) as Susan

  • Shoegazer Films: Shorts and Sketches (TV Series) (2020) as Simone

  • Future Man (TV Series) (2017) as Female Customer

  • Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders (TV Series) (2016-2017) as Abigail

  • Modern Family (TV Series) (2017) as Kimmy

  • The Boom Boom Girls of Wrestling (2015) as Angela Wyndon etc. [8][24]

Shakira Ja'nai Paye’s Interview with Jejune


Can you please tell us a little bit about the project you are working on with Comedy Central? [21]

Right now, we're working with Comedy Central on three digital sketches.

The first one went live, but we have at least two more sketches coming out this summer on their website.

So keep an eye out!

We loved your Game Of Thrones spoof “Deez Thrones”. It does make an excellent point that most of the black people in the show were slaves who have been castrated. Can you talk about this sketch a little bit?

To start, I’ve been watching Game of Thrones for the past eight years along with two of my other teammates.

I own the book series, and I own a few cheesy Game of Thrones themed shirts.

Shout out to Amazon Prime for keeping me in the freshest GOT gear, lol.

But yeah, when Obama’s Other Daughters first sat down with our producers, Lucia Aniello and Paul W Downs, and Comedy Central, we pitched a few original ideas.

I pitched the Game of Thrones idea; it had been in my head for quite some time.

I had already written a first draft of it, but I still needed to fill it in with all of our individual voices, and as a team we did that.

But I got the idea from watching the show…I’m pretty sure any person of color/ any honest white person who watches the show notices the lack of representation in the show.

If your episode was real, who would have ended up on the throne?

Lol, well I always felt like I was Khalessi, and as it turns out she didn’t end up on the throne.

But she should have!

So if I had to put anyone on the throne, it would be me, haha.

Why is it so important that we see more African American female comedians?

I grew up seeing a tiny handful of representation, and even still, in the comedy world not excluded.

Black women are few and far between.

But in the real world we exist, we’re all so different, and have such different POVs.

I think Obama’s Other Daughters is the best example of how funny and different every black woman is.

We all shine in our own lane and it’s beautiful!

“If you can see it, you can be it,” is very true!

I honestly didn’t fully think I’d have a chance in the UCB improv community until I saw a black woman on stage… I was surrounded by so many white teachers and performers on stage that I honestly didn’t even consider improv as a possibility for me.

But then, BAM, I see a black girl unicorn on stage, and it shifted my whole point of view.

Can you tell us a little bit about your new Netflix drama “All Day and a Night” and your character Shantaye?

Shantaye is the complicated love interest to “Jah”.

“She loves hard, but she’s also strong and she won’t be stepped on by anyone.

She’s been through a lot for a young person, but she’s still able to see the cup as half full.

“All Day and a Night” is such an important film.

It does such a great job of showing the importance of respecting the humanity of all people, because we all have a story.

Can you please speak some on your thoughts about the need for prison reform and why it is so important?

On a personal note, it has affected my family gravely.

My uncle was 15 when he was charged as an adult in Baltimore.

He did commit a crime, but I don't believe his crime equated to the punishment he received.

He’s one of many people of color underserved by an unjust system.

Unfortunately, this isn’t an anomaly.

We don’t all get second chances.

I don't believe prisons should be for profit.

It’s corrupt and we desperately need prison reform in this country.

How would you like to see things change?

Fair sentencing for people of color, especially the black community.

I’ve seen first hand how we’ve suffered way to much.

And I stand with Cut50 — an organization that is trying to reduce America’s prison population by 50%.

Finally, I work with a second chance organization in NYC that helps kids (mostly minority males) get back on their feet after being arrested. Do you have any words of wisdom for them and kids like them?

Take it one day at a time.

The system may have been rigged against you up top, but now it’s time to stand in your power.

They can’t own your thoughts, so strengthen them.

Take the time to work on your mental health.

Invest in your happiness.

I wish you all the best of days to come!

Shakira Ja'nai Paye Interview with NALUDA Magazine

Hi Shakira, please tell us a little about you?

I like long walks on the beach under the new moon — JK walks are cool but really I’m a working actress, writer, producer and director in LA.

I’m originally from Baltimore MD but I’ve been in LA for quite some time.

I’m on a UCB house sketch team called “Duchess” and am on a comedy team called “Obama’s Other Daughters”.

Some nights I’m Paris Hilton in 2004 and some nights I’m Amandla Steinberg marching with BLM.

There are only a handful of multifaceted women thriving in this industry, but I’d like to be one of them.

Describe yourself in 3 words?

Kind, Multi-Faceted and Down to Earth

Who is your biggest supporter?

My immediate family.

How did you get started in the industry?

My dad took me on my first audition when I was 1 years old.

He basically planted the seed but it really grew once I got older.

From dance classes in grade school to theatre camp to school plays.

It just seemed to always be a part of my identity growing up.

What was your first acting role?

Frenchy in Grease at the Arena Players was my first role with a name

What is the best and worst part of being an actress?

Worst part is auditioning all of the time and getting rejected a lot of it.

I pour so much of myself into each audition so sometimes it hurts when I don’t get the job.

Best part is when you get to work and get to live in a whole make-believe world.

It’s fun!

Best advice ever given?

Once when my acting teacher could feel my energy was off about my decision to become an actor she said.

“You chose right, you picked right.

So believe it!”

How did you started working in Comedy?

Originally I took an improv class in 2013/14 … I didn’t necessarily want to get into comedy I just wanted to try something new.

I always enjoyed comedy but I was apprehensive and a little scared to put myself out there.

But once I joined an indie improv team in 2015, there was no turning back.

I was obsessed with it and just wanted to get as good as I could.

The improv community gave me a home.

A place to play make believe and make people laugh and I loved it.

Tell us about your project Obama’s Other Daughters?

Obama’s Other Daughters is a comedy troupe who’s full bio you can find on the Comedy Central page.


We’re currently working on a digital series with Comedy Central and so far our first sketch “Deez Thrones” is at a half a million views on Facebook/ YouTube.

We have at least 2 more sketches being released this summer and a few other things I can’t speak on just yet.

But follow us @obamasotherdaughters on Instagram and etc.

Now tell us about Netflix’s Drama “All Day and a Night?”

All day and a night is my upcoming movie with Ashton Sanders.

In this film I play his girlfriend/ baby mama.

It’s directed by the wonderful Joe Robert Cole who co-wrote Black Panther!

They flew me to Oakland for a month and put me up in a cute house suite.

This was my first project that I got to stay the night on location and it was a blast!

Ashton is so talented and it was effortless to work with him.

The story is about a young man who commits a homicide and we follow how he got to that point.

We give a voice to the overlooked.

People are dynamic and full of layers and I think people will feel that in this story.

What has been your most memorable experience from the set so far?

When I shot “The Gambler”… in my scene Mark Wahlberg gives a speech to an auditorium size college class and in the middle of his speech he broke character and complimented me on my eyes in front of everyone.

“You have some beautiful eyes!” Needless to say, I was floored.

What other projects have you been part of?

I’ve had a ton of smaller roles from Modern Family to Criminal Minds. Also, I’ve written, directed and produced 3 of my own web series.

Who is your favorite Actor/Actress? And why?

Regina King is the first person who comes to mind!

I love her work in front of and behind the camera.

She’s transferred into the mainstream now but I grew up with her in my household and I’ve always been inspired by her.

3 things you can’t leave your house without?

A sweater (I’m always cold), my phone, and essential oils in my bag (I’m obsessed) lol ...

What music do you like?

All kinds— Lana Del Rey & City Girls are my most spun tracks at the moment.

But I love indie folk rock & chill R&B it just depends on my mood.

Your idea of a perfect Sunday is?

Champagne and brunch with a friend.

How’s a normal day in your life?

Everyday is sooo different.

If I don’t have any auditions or shoots.

I usually take a class pass class in the am and get a writing sesh in.

2-3 days out of the week I have some sort of rehearsal or meeting with my UCB house team and/or Obama’s Other Daughters.

What is your own definition of happiness?

Happiness is something you decide on and work at… I meditate and go to comedy shows for daily happiness.

But pure bliss for me would be uninhibited money and time to travel the world with a lover.

If you could meet someone living or dead, who would it be and why?

Rihanna … I’m a fan girl and I’d love to grab drinks and just be her friend.

What is your favorite healthy food?

Doctors Order Green Juice from Whole Foods… I drink them every other day.

Lol ...

And your favorite cheat food?

No food is a cheat when you aren’t on an extreme diet.

I eat healthy but I also eat what I enjoy … but I guess if I had to pick, I’d say cupcakes/ sweet treats in general.

How do you see yourself in 5 years?

Acting, Writing, Producing and Directing film and television consistently.

Do you support any charities?

I donate to planned parenthood .


She like dancing, writing, listening to music, and hanging with friends.


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