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Sean Davis (The Federalist)

Sean Davis (The Federalist)

Sean Davis is Cofounder of The Federalist (website), an English-language online magazine that covers politics, policy, Culture, and religion. [1]


Davis received a BBA in finance from Texas Tech University and an MBA in finance and entrepreneurial management from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. [undefined]


Davis previously worked as an economic policy adviser to Gov. Rick Perry, as CFO of Daily Caller, and as chief investigator for Sen. Tom Coburn. [undefined]

Davis was named by The Hill as one of the top congressional staffers under the age of 35 for his role in spearheading the enactment of the law that created USASpending.gov. [undefined]


Citation Linktwitter.comSean Davis on Twitter.
Jan 5, 2018, 5:04 AM
Citation Linkthefederalist.comDavis' bio.
Jan 5, 2018, 5:15 AM