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Robert Dobbs

Robert Dobbs

Robert Dobbs is a singer/songwriter and musician who just recently moved from Lafayette, Louisiana to Los Angeles, California. In additi on to being a prolific songwriter, Robert is also classically trained in piano and guitar and plays several other instruments including bass and drums. He also produces, mixes, and masters his own music. [1] Prior to embarking on a solo career, Robert was lead vocalist and songwriter for the band The Mid-Summer Classic. They released their debut album "Good Times & Goodbyes" featuring "Don’t Waste Your Time" and "Delanie" in 2011. [1]

Robert's music can be described as a mixture of alternative pop/rock with cinematic elements.

When asked, Robert answers “I guess it can be described as epic pop LOL…” He also loves retro 90s music which is apparent in his soon to be released songs "Welcome To Your Imagination" and "Mask".

When Robert was 6, his uncle Ian observed that Robert was very adept at playing video games.

Ian, a gifted musician in his own right, gave Robert a piano in the hopes that his young nephew would spend his time doing something "more productive".

His uncle's hunch paid off and Robert attributes his career in music to his uncle’s generosity and foresight.

Robert also began competing in school singing competitions at the age of 10 and picked up the guitar at age 13.

Also at the age of 13, Robert became keyboardist and lead singer in his first band called Lowen, an alternative/power metal band in Chihuahua, Mexico. In 2005 he joined pop/rock band Pulso. In 2011, after a brief stint pursuing a degree in Mechatronics Engineering and Communications in college, Robert left school after being discovered on YouTube and subsequently ask by Layfayette, Louisiana based pop/rock band The Mid-Summer Classic to be their new lead singer. Soon after, The MSC released their album “Goodtimes and Goodbyes" and in 2012, The MSC was chosen from amongst 22,000 bands to play the "Vans Warped Tour Battle Of The Bands." His former band was also featured in national magazines such as Alternative Press and Substream Music Press and their song “Our Time" was featured on MTV's "The Real World”. The MSC released EP "Euphoria" in 2013 which was much more alternative than their previously released music. The band did several tours across the United States before disbanding in 2013.

Some of Robert's musical influences are and Muse .He also co-founded an apparel brand based out of Los Angeles, Ca. called Level Clothing Co. [1]


Citation Linkfacebook.com"Facebook Profile"
Sep 16, 2016, 1:53 AM
Citation Linkofficialrobertdobbs.com"About Robert Dobbs"
Sep 16, 2016, 1:54 AM
Citation Linkinstagram.com"Instagram Profile"
Sep 16, 2016, 2:02 AM
Citation Linktwitter.com"Twitter Profile"
Sep 16, 2016, 2:02 AM
Citation Linkofficialrobertdobbs.comLink on officialrobertdobbs.com
Sep 16, 2016, 2:03 AM
Citation Linkvine.coRobert Dobbs featured in Vine.
Sep 16, 2016, 2:03 AM
Citation Linksoundcloud.com"Soundcloud"
Sep 16, 2016, 2:03 AM
Citation Linkyoutube.com"Youtube Channel"
Sep 16, 2016, 2:03 AM