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Rob Berger

Rob Berger

Rob Berger is a Lawyer, Investor, Podcaster, and Blogger based in Fairfax, Virginia. Since 2007, he has run the financial blog doughroller.net and has contributed to Forbes, US News, AOL, and Business Insider and has been featured in HuffPost.

Early Life and Education

Berger grew up in Columbus, Ohio and his parents divorced when he was too young to remember. In a single year during his childhood, his father died and his step-father's shop went out of business. His family lived paycheck to paycheck, not sure if food could be served on the table if money ran out for that month. It was during this time of uncertainty that Berger decided that he was going to be financially knowledgeable in order to avoid living in a struggling position.

Understanding the value of an education, Berger studied English and Philosophy at Evangel University and graduated with a B.A. in English Language and Literature in 1989. He went on to earn his J.D. from Boston University School of Law in 1992. [1]

Law Career

At the beginning of his career as a lawyer, Berger worked as a litigation partner for Winston and Strawn LLP and focused on disputes arising from the implementation of complex software systems. After 10 years, he joined the corporate counsel team at BearingPoint and managed the company's technology-related litigation, arbitration, and mediation. In 2005, Berger joined the regulatory agency PCAOB where he served as Associate Director. Making a full circle in his career, Berger rejoined his first law firm Winston and Strawn as Counsel and represented clients in front of auditors. In 2016, he retired from law to focus on financial blogging full-time. [1]

Financial Blogging and Syndication

A Picture of Rob Berger

A Picture of Rob Berger

For over 20 years, Berger has invested in the stock market and has been involved in real estate for over 8 years.

Berger worked his way from having a six figure debt from his education to owning several rental properties retiring early.

Realizing he had valuable knowledge that he wanted to share to a large audience, Rob founded Dough Roller in 2007 to help people make sense of the world of personal finance.

Rob's financial advice is grounded in his belief that people do not naturally understand compound growth and do not realize the small amounts of money people spend as a habit for gum, coffee, etc. can compound dramatically over time.

Starting out as a side hobby, Berger's blogging became a huge success and his work has been syndicated in Forbes, MSN Money, U.S. News & World Report, and Yahoo! Finance. Today, the Dough Roller publishes a weekly newsletter, distributes a weekly podcast, and employs several writers. Furthermore, Berger has expanded to have four additional financial blogging websites including consumerismcommentary.com, fivecentnickel.com, allcards.com, and prepaidcards123.com. With millions of visitors a year to his internet properties, Rob was able to retire at the age of 49 and live off entirely of advertising from his blogging platform.

Philanthropy and Personal Life

One thing that Rob feels strongly about is helping others, especially young lives suffering from addiction.

He is a donor to two faith-based charities, Mercy Multiplied and Teen Challenge USA as well as utilizes Vanguard Charitable, which allows people to make a custom foundation of their own.

Rob has been married for 29 years and has one son and one daughter.

They both went to college and his son is a Marine.

He also owns a Shih Tzu named Sophie.


Citation Linklinkedin.comRob Berger on LinkedIn
Jul 13, 2017, 1:40 AM
Citation Linkforbes.comRob Berger contributes to Forbes
Jul 13, 2017, 1:40 AM
Citation Linkusnews.comRob Berger is a contributor to US News
Jul 13, 2017, 1:41 AM
Citation Linkdoughroller.netAbout page on doughroller.net
Jul 13, 2017, 1:42 AM
Citation Linkpaulmerriman.comPodcast interview of Rob Berger
Jul 13, 2017, 1:43 AM
Citation Linkwjla.comRob Berger shares his knowledge about Credit Scores on Good Morning Washington
Jul 13, 2017, 1:45 AM
Citation Linkhuffingtonpost.comRob Berger featured in HuffPost
Jul 13, 2017, 9:02 PM
Citation Linktwitter.comRob Berger on Twitter
Jul 13, 2017, 9:08 PM
Citation Linkptmoney.comPodcast interview of Rob Berger
Jul 13, 2017, 9:09 PM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comA Picture of Rob Berger
Jul 13, 2017, 9:10 PM
Citation Linkeveripedia.comEditor page on Everipedia
Jul 13, 2017, 10:00 PM
Citation Linkbisnow.comArticle about when he was at Winston & Strawn
Jul 14, 2017, 3:27 AM
Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comAt Winston & Strawn
Jul 14, 2017, 3:31 AM