Riley J. Dennis
Riley J. Dennis
YouTube Channel
Riley posted her first video on YouTube January 25, 2015. It was called "Liked the Hunger Games? Read this book next!" where she recommended the book The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. She continued to post book reviews until she made videos about books, travel, and college life.
In August 7, 2016, she changed her name to Riley After making more videos, she began to receive a lot of hate and harassment from people in their own response videos.
Riley voted for Hillary in the 2016 presidential election, and when Trump won, Riley made a video saying that "hate won."
On February 12, 2017, she announced that she would be sharing merchandise about feminism and gender through TeePublic.
She got her BA in 2015 doing a self-designed major called Writing Worlds, a mixture of creative writing and anthropology focused on realistic fictional world building.
She sees writing novels and stories as a creative way to discuss important issues.
She is the author of the Through the Portal trilogy, and she was a journalist at a student-run newspaper for four years, serving as both Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor at different times.
Worked to change the College’s policies concerning sexual assault.
In her daily life, she likes to play Pokemon and eat sushi.
She stands at 6’2” and loves casually playing sports and video games.
She can speak French almost fluently.
She supports the Black Lives Matter movement.
Riley is currently dating YouTuber neonfiona.