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Reggie Couz

Reggie Couz

Musician and Vine phenomenon who creates comedic characters for his videos.

He had accumulated more than 3.7 million Vine followers.

He also has a large social media following on Twitter and SoundCloud.

He posted his first Vine video called "How Producers Be.." on May 19, 2013.

He shares his music on SoundCloud, releasing tracks by the names of "M.O.H."

and "Rumours," the latter song becoming available on iTunes as well.

He is a native of New Jersey.

He tagged LiveLikeDavis, Gary Rojas, and Sonyae Elise in a video called "Behind the Scenes."



Citation Linkfamousbirthdays.comProfile on Famous Birthdays
Mar 3, 2016, 6:35 AM