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Rebecca McGraw

Rebecca McGraw

A picture of Rebecca McGraw

A picture of Rebecca McGraw

Rebecca McGraw is a 38-year-old woman from Florida.

Arrest For Sexual Relationship with Minor

McGraw was as an assistant manager at Sail Pointe Apartments where she began a relationship sexual in nature with a 15-year-old resident.

Starting in the spring of 2016, McGraw would invite the teen over her home to drink alcohol and smoke Marijuana. She admitted to at least 5 sexual occurrences with the teen and paid him $300 for them in which she let him withdraw money using her debit card. In addition, McGraw let him drive her car without her presence.

Their relationship was discovered after the boy's mother found a text on his cell phone saying that he needed to seek out medical attention for a possible Sexually Transmitted Disease. She is currently booked at St. Lucie County Jail and is being held on $125,000 bond. [1]


Citation Linkywqaugeunhowzrcj.public.blob.vercel-storage.comA picture of Rebecca McGraw
May 28, 2017, 2:34 AM
Citation Linknews4jax.comArticle about the incident
May 28, 2017, 2:35 AM