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Rabia Khedr

Rabia Khedr

Rabia Khedr is the founder of Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAM-D) and was recently appointed a commissioner on the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

She moved to Canada with her parents when she was four years old.


Rabia Khedr attended Cooksville Public School, Briarwood, the Valleys and Applewood Heights.

She graduated in 1993 with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto’s Mississauga campus.

She also has a Master of Arts degree from York University in 2013. [2]Rabia is passionate about working with others to address issues of fairness and justice.

She is married to Hossam Khedr, who is an IT leader in a financial company.

She has four children (all born in Mississauga).


Accomplishments [0]

A Human Rights Trainer and Consultant under her company diversityworX, Rabia speaks to countless audiences and conducts disability awareness and diversity workshops for corporations, community organizations and government.

She is also the executive director of the Canadian Association of Muslims with Disabilities (CAM-D) and a board member of the Federation of Muslim women.

She chairs theCity of Mississauga Accessibility Advisory Committeeand sits on theOntario Women's Health Network Board.Rabiahas presented at local, national and international conferences to raise awareness around disability issues, women's rights and Islamaphobia and has participated in a number of television broadcasts and documentaries.

Notably,Rabiaspoke at the Reviving the Islamic Spirit Convention 2007 to an audience of over 10,000 at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre encouraging them to know their rights and responsibilities as Canadians.

Rabiaspecializes in the areas of cultural competence, intersectionality of identity and barriers to participation and has written a number of articles related to these subjects.As

a self-employed Trainer and Consultant under diversityworX,Rabiaspecializes in the areas of access, equity and inclusion.Rabiahas consulted for and has provided training to numerous not-for-profit organizations and corporations to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities and people from diverse backgrounds.Rabiaworked for Guelph University as a trainer facilitating accessible customer service provision workshops under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Herrecent

clients include ICICI Bank Canada, United Way of Peel Region, Canadian Federation of University Women, Brock University and Developmental Services Ontario Central West Region.


Citation Linkfacebook.com"FB Profile"
Oct 5, 2016, 12:54 AM
Citation Linktwitter.com"Twitter Profile"
Oct 5, 2016, 12:55 AM
Citation Linkrabiakhedr.ca"Main website"
Oct 5, 2016, 1:19 AM
Citation Linklinkedin.com"LinkedIn Page"
Oct 5, 2016, 2:29 AM