Peshwaz Azad Waise
Peshwaz Azad Waise
On Wednesday June 28, 2016, Peshwaz Waise was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats in Denton, Texas at the Denton County Courts Building on East McKinney Street.
At 5:30 a.m on Wednesday Waise picked up some Qurans from the Islamic Society of Denton mosque at 1105 Greenlee St. Waise tried to distribute Qurans at an IHOP restaurant however when he started disturbing customers the police were called and he was asked to leave.
He then went to the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton’s Center for Women and threatened employees there telling them to give the qurans to the chapel at the hospital or die.
Police were called to center to deal with Waise but by the time they arrived Waise had already left.
He was detained after he claimed to be a king and give a quran to the judge at the Denton County Courts Building on East McKinney Street.
While being detained, Waise threatened police officers saying, ‘I’m imposing the death penalty [on the officers who were dealing with him,’” and that ‘Anybody who touches me is going to bleed.’”[1]
Afterwards, authorities searched Waise's car, a silver 2002 Nissan Versa, which he parked outside the courthouse, but did not find any weapons or explosives. [1]